The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


國慶連假難得台北好天氣,親子同遊何處去,喜歡戶外活動的朋友,推薦大家開車或騎著You-bike 從南港出發,經松山彩虹橋,過橋順著基隆河畔右岸一路前行,台北市政府工務局水利處,今年選在「美堤河濱公園」種下向日葵花田,與百日草花海,金黃的向日葵、紅的、粉紅的、黃的、橘的、紫的、紅的各色花種,其實是分成兩處,其中一處「彩虹河濱公園」主要是以向日葵為主,其它花種為輔;而在「美堤河濱公園」則著以各種花為主,向日葵為輔。

The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019 



2019 台北基隆河畔右岸風景與「彩虹河濱公園向日葵花田」,影片引用自

The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019  

過了彩虹河濱公園,一路往前,會經過內湖與民權大橋,時序入秋,基隆河畔已經可以看到秋芒迎風飄揚,給人一種瑟縮的冷涼,別有一番風韻,沿途有許多值得停下細細觀看的風景,從天空的飛機、河畔的釣魚人、還有滑板少年、騎風火輪的、跑步的、溜狗的、溜小孩的,一整個好熱鬧 !

The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019 

很快地來到靠近美堤河濱公園的另一處百日草花海,這邊種植的面積更加寬廣,視野也更加開闊,還可遙看台北101,紅的、粉紅的、黃的、橘的、紫的、紅的各種花色繁多,或單一種,或穿插好幾種,數大就是美,近看也另有一番風情,搭配水利處特別設計規畫的動物玩偶與課桌椅,洋溢著回歸大自然的童趣 !


2019 台北美堤河濱公園百日草花海 2-1,影片引用自


2019 台北美堤河濱公園百日草花海2-2,影片引用自

The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019


The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019


The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019The sunflower field at the Keelung river coast, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Oct 6, 2019 




地       點:台北市內湖區堤頂大道一段



地       點 美堤河濱公園壘球場

花      期即日期至2019年11月上旬

交      通




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