Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
一進門左手邊是復刻松菸記憶 --- 松山菸廠辦公室,松山菸廠曾是東南亞最大的專業捲菸工廠,主建物涵蓋辦公廳舍、製菸工廠、倉庫群、鍋爐房、機械修理廠等,多達百餘支鑰匙,顯見工業村設計分工之精細,最高時有2000名員工,人事作業十分繁複精細,辦公桌上擺滿了菸廠文件、編制表與製成相關報告。

Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
 「松菸小賣所」輕食咖啡休憩區甜點與飲品單 ,從咖啡、茶、啤酒與各式糕點。
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
「松菸小賣所」輕食咖啡休憩區,提供的免費Wi-Fi 相關資訊與密碼,方便有需要的訪客。
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
當天點了一杯「舒活寧神茶」(NT$90/壺),與一份「生乳酪蛋糕」(NT$100/份),吃完記得要送回回收台,沒等多久店員就送來了甜點與茶,別具特色的甜點裝盛版,也是合作的文創商家 W2的傑作之一,當天下午就很悠然自得地在那慢慢享受。
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019

先來品飲這壺熱的「舒活寧神茶」(Comfort Herb Tea,NT$90/壺),由金盞花、馬鞭草、薄荷、洋甘菊、蘋果花、甜菊組成的養生茶,聞到了清新的茶香,喝入口滑順生津,整個人頓覺神清氣爽。

Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019
Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019Coffee shop at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park , Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,  Oct, 2019 












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