Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.  



 八月下旬去逛位於台北信義區的「遠百A13」,在4樓頗具台灣風的「懷舊時光埕」樓層,無意間看到這間店名很特別的「思鄉病解憂牛肉麵 -  遠百信義A13店」,店面裡外裝潢都很講究,有種拉人進去的氛圍,過了用餐時段還沒用餐的我,又是喜歡的牛肉麵,自然要去嚐鮮,看看一碗牛肉麵如何解人思鄉愁緒? 

Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.



最棒的是開在台北信義區高價地段百貨公司內的得獎名店,投資了那麼多昂貴裝潢,店內備餐的師父與負責接待的服務生也不少人,看了菜單價格竟然意外發現,比一些藏身在巷弄同為得獎的店家,店內餐點動輒就NT$200起跳,甚至上千的定價來得合理,特別是當連裝潢與服務都算進去,「思鄉病解憂牛肉麵 - 遠百信義A13店」真的CP值蠻高的,大碗的份量驚人,牛肉麵與滷味小菜都美味好吃之外,當天吃麵過程中,不小心把筷子弄掉了在地上,完全不用客人開口要求,聽到筷子落地的聲響,反應機靈店內的服務生,立刻聞聲而來,為我換上一雙新筷,過程始終面帶微笑,沒有絲毫不耐煩,服務水準之高,讓人印象深刻。就算當天要付一成服務費NT$24,我也付得十分開心。

Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.

店內的裝潢從入門左手邊的結帳櫃台後方,到最後方的牆上,都懸掛了店名看板,與享用店內的餐點的趣味說明,讓人邊吃邊帶著愉悅的心情用餐,看得「華陀再世,妙手上麵,食牛保安康」真的不覺莞爾,老闆與行銷人員好幽默,讓人在店內用餐如沐春風,帶著愉快的心情在享用美味牛肉麵,除了招牌清燉與紅燒牛肉麵外,店內還提供乾拌麵、冠軍滷肉飯、豬腳滷肉飯與多款風味雞湯與小菜,難怪讓客人一吃解鄉愁! 店家真的是用心做到了!  

Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.

當天點了一碗大碗的「紅燒牛肉麵」(NT$170/碗)與一盤滷味(豆皮 + 豆干 +  滷蛋 NT$70),一共NT$240,加上一成小費NT$24,一共是NT$264,首先品嚐的是這盤滷味,用料顯然都精挑細選過,跟一般小吃店有時會吃到一些過於軟爛的情況大不同,而且滷過的鹹度恰到好處,吃起來就新鮮有咬勁! 

Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.

接著就是品嚐店內的招牌餐,這碗大碗的「紅燒牛肉麵」(NT$170/碗) ,湯頭看起來濃鹹,入口卻不會,有著回甘的鮮度,牛肉麵的份量驚人,連一般正常男生吃起來可能都會過飽,牛肉經過特別的處理,厚度也介於一般常吃到的厚薄之間,所以湯汁頭自然入肉,咬起來軟而不爛鮮而多汁,用香菜簡單調味,搭配蠻有咬勁的寬拉麵,一整碗吃下來,真的口口唇齒留香,讓人回味無窮,難怪都忘了鄉愁。 

Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.

有機會前往遠百信義A13的朋友,一定要來這家 「思鄉病解憂牛肉麵 - 遠百信義A13店」嚐嚐實至名歸的冠軍牛肉麵,下回再訪我當然要點點清燉風味的牛肉麵,體驗讓人忘了思鄉的好滋味!  

Awarded Beef Noodle store at 4th Floor of FEDS XinYi  A13 department store, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 26, 2020.  




住       址 : 台北市信義區松仁路584樓「懷舊時光埕」樓層

營業時間 : 週一到週日11:00 ~ 23:00

營業電話 : ( 02)8789-9789

外送訂購 :

FB粉絲頁 : 思鄕病解憂牛肉麵

LINE : @481nhjam

IG : sixiangbing





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