Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,展覽體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


為了迎接歡慶 9周年,統一時代百貨台北店,除了企劃「九大王牌」作為年度周年慶的吸睛亮點外,更在2樓戶外夢廣場攜手知名業者,共同打造一處城市「雙樂園」,包括了「薰衣草森林樂園」與「粉紅萌萌豬透明氣墊城堡樂園」(2019.09.26-10.20),日夜風情大不同,「薰衣草森林樂園」(2019.10.2-10.27)由「薰衣草森林兩位創辦人一手打造,多年前,,兩個女生展開所有夢想與勇氣的序曲,選在當年無人煙的台中新社,一個想開咖啡館、一個想種薰衣草,兩人本著簡單純淨的信念,以開拓者的拓荒精神,打造出如今大家耳熟能詳的「薰衣草森林」,最近兩人將這片夢幻的紫色傳奇,從台中鄉野帶到了台北城中,在水泥叢林中打造了一座座美麗的「薰衣草色遊樂園」,包括旋轉木馬、旋轉咖啡杯、旋轉小飛機、海盜船、小火車,還可以租借野餐墊,當然還有一整片夢幻的紫色薰衣草花海,等著大小朋友一起來玩樂! 完整收費標準請看官網說明


統一時代百貨台北店周年慶期間,活動特定日期還會加碼舉辦好玩的活動,像是2019/10/19邀請波力及KIWI姐姐舉辦見面會;2019/10/26~10/27 號召百人變裝集體搗蛋,1F美妝品牌還會加碼,以及抽出W Taipei住宿券,整個月熱鬧繽紛,大小朋友都可以玩得買得很開心。

Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019


Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019


Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019


Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019



Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019


Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019


Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019



Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019


Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019


白天玩不夠的大小朋友,就可以留下來,等到天一黑,從街頭燈火到雙樂園的燈飾一亮,就讓人體會另一種神奇的夢幻氛圍,沒體驗過的大小朋友還等甚麼,趕快大手拉小手一起去歡遊 !



Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019Amusement park at plaza of Uni-President Hankyu department store Taipei,SJKen , Oct, 2019 



地   址:110台北市信義區忠孝東路五段82





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