Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



10月中旬與好友一家相約,搭乘台北捷運板南線,從市政府站1號出口出站後左轉步行15秒,就抵達這家北市忠孝東路五段17號之3的「Out of Office 不在辦公室咖啡館」,一樓店面不大,但循著樓梯往下走到,佔地寬敞別有洞天的B1,完美詮釋了「山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村」的景象,沒想到在最熱鬧的百貨建築群對面,特別是在寸土寸金的台北東區,竟然有這麼一處桃花源。


店內喝咖啡用餐,完全不限時、不限時、不限時 !!! (很重要,所以要說三遍),而且還提供免費Wi-Fi與插座最棒的是每人最低消費額是NT$200,以台北的消費水平來說,實在佛心來著!


每日15:00 ~ 17:00是下午茶時段不供餐,想吃正餐就早點或晚點去,當然也可先點餐結帳,時間一到店家就會幫你上餐,不管是一人獨處工作,或是親朋好友相約聚會,選Out of Office 不在辦公室咖啡館就對了!

Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019 

 FB粉絲頁上寫著店家開店的理念是 :「共享一種生活,共想一樁夢想,共享一所空間,共想一個未來。Out of office 生態咖啡所 提供另一種品味人生的方式。共享辦公空間 x 精品咖啡 x 生活」,讓人輕鬆沒負擔地在這兒品飲美好生活。一走下B1,眼前視野豁然開朗,樓梯左手邊還設有造型古典雅緻的等候椅、沙發與單人靠背座椅,方便客人休憩。

Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019


Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019


Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019


Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019


Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019

當天在店員引領入座後,一開始是跟其它客人併桌,後來點完餐結帳完畢,剛好隔壁沙發客人用完餐離席,馬上跟服務生商量能否轉移陣地,沒想到店家從善如流,我們很快就將已到的咖啡搬送過去,之後送上的餐點也都順利送達新座位,沒有發生送錯餐點的問題,顯現Out of Office 不在辦公室咖啡館」的員工訓練有素,內部溝通良好又有效率!






(二)一份店家「Out of Office經典早午餐」(包括金麥吐司/奶油炒蛋/生菜沙拉/水果優格杯/培根/帶骨香腸,NT$220/份)




Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019 Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019

Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019

接著是好友點的「Out of Office經典早午餐」(包括金麥吐司/奶油炒蛋/生菜沙拉/水果優格杯/培根/帶骨香腸,NT$220/份)帶骨香腸碩大烤得又香又Q彈,金黃澄澄的奶油炒蛋是一絕! 入口還是熱騰騰的,份量十足的金麥吐司抹上奶油,營養又美味,生菜沙拉與小番茄,入口酸酸甜甜的好開胃,水果優格杯上面灑了藍莓與脆片,入口爽脆又冰甜。

Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019




 Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019


Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019


Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019

喜歡自由自在喝咖啡聊天或工作的朋友,不限時、低消平價、有Wifi與插頭,餐飲豐富多選,交通又超方便的Out of Office 不在辦公室咖啡館」,就在北市忠孝東路五段17號之3,不管是一個人還是呼朋引友,都能在Out of Office 不在辦公室咖啡館開心享受這城市桃花源的獨特風景!

Out of Office cafe shop, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Oct, 2019


Out of Office 不在辦公室咖啡館




FB粉絲頁Out of office 不在辦公室





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