「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
北投區石牌裕民商圈美食何其多,就算每天從早吃到晚也是吃都吃不完,今天要跟大家介紹的一家位於台北市北投區裕民一路40巷15號,主打木鬚炒麵、麻辣牛肉麵、水餃的「彈牙彈牙麵店」,最有趣的是這家的店招,看半天也不看不出店名叫甚麼,倒是從繞著整家店各種橫招,得知店家的招牌美食包括了彈牙麵條所衍生出的脆麗口水雞麵、牛肉醬拌麵、二合一乾拌麵(炸醬 +麻醬)等等,一進門果然座無虛席,內用外帶的熱鬧滾滾,店門口廚房內的廚師也忙得不可開交,小菜就擺在結帳櫃檯旁,由客人自行取用,點單後交給櫃檯,享用完美食再結帳。
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
趁著中午休息時間結束前衝進去彈牙彈牙麵店享用美食,看完菜單後點了一盤小盤的「木鬚肉絲炒麵」(NT$95/小盤, NT$150/大盤),與「素雞」與「豆干絲兩盤小菜(NT$40/盤),一共NT$175,跟台北市內相比,石牌美食真的是相對平價又份量十足CP超高。 
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
首先品嚐的是「豆干絲」與「素雞兩盤小菜(NT$40/盤), 一樣是NT$40,彈牙彈牙麵店「豆干絲」(NT$40)比台北市的小菜份量多又札實,豆干絲佐以紅蘿蔔絲,入口清爽十分開胃。 
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
接著品嚐的是彈牙彈牙麵店盤小盤的「木鬚肉絲炒麵(NT$95/小盤, NT$150/大盤) ,光是小盤份量就已經很大份量,男生吃也能吃得飽足,喜歡店家自製的粗寬麵入口真的十分彈牙香Q,佐以豬肉、高麗菜、洋蔥、黑木耳、紅蘿蔔、炒蛋與香菜,內容豐盛入口香氣四溢不會太油膩!
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs,  noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.  
營業地址 : 112台北市北投區裕民一路40巷15號
營業電話 : (02) 2828-7028/0979036370
營業時間 : 週三到週一: 11:00 ~ 14:00 /16:30 ~21:00 (週二公休)
FB粉絲頁 : 彈牙彈牙麵店

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