眾所囑目的2016第88屆美國奧斯卡典禮,已經在台灣時間 2月29日08:00 正式展開,典禮現場熱鬧非凡,Fun台灣的主持人Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬也以HBO Taiwan 的身份前往典禮現場採訪(https://www.facebook.com/janethsiehonline/videos/10153485014062183/?notif_t=live_video),HBO台灣與台視也準時在電視台轉播,想看大明星的影迷,請鎖定這全球關注一年一度的影人大盛會,今年由 Chris Rock 擔任主持人。
《驚爆焦點》(Spot Light)影評請見「驚爆焦點」--- 四方訪查聚焦弱勢,步步進逼引爆真相! )拿下最佳影片,電影如其片名為今年奧斯卡結尾,劃下驚爆焦點,另外本片還拿下「最佳原著劇本」,以本片入圍最佳男配角獎的馬克魯法洛(Mark Ruffalo)則敗給「間諜橋」中飾演蘇聯間諜的英國老牌舞台劇出身演員馬克勞倫斯(Mark Rylance),抱憾而歸。
入行20多年,先前在奧斯卡最佳男主角獎入圍3次全槓龜的李奧納多·狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass),這次眾望所歸如願以償擒下小金人,以《神鬼獵人》( The Renevant, 影評請見「神鬼獵人」之懂得外語 + 野外求生技能 + 強烈生存意志+ 信仰親情很重要 ! )奪下最佳男主角影帝桂冠,他也憑《神鬼獵人》中的精彩演出,一口氣拿下27座影帝榮銜。
去年甫以2015年以《鳥人》(Birdman)拿下「最佳導演」的墨西哥導演阿利安卓·崗札雷·伊納利圖(Alejandro G. Iñárritu),今年再憑新作《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant),不僅將李奧納多·狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass)送上影帝寶座,自己也再度拿下最佳導演,這也創下奧斯卡近66年紀錄,同時也是外國導演連續3年擒下最佳導演。
而以《不存在的房間》(Room) (影評請見「不存在的房間」--- 人,一定要相互依靠才能堅強活下去。 )封后的布麗·拉爾森(Brie Larson as Joy "Ma" Newsome),從去年到今年也是一路拿獎拿到手軟,風光程度跟李奧納多·狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass)不相上下。
同樣呼聲很高的艾莉西亞維坎德(Alicia Vikander), 足如願以償,以《丹麥女孩》(The Danish Girl)(影評請見「丹麥女孩」--- 尋找自我認同,真愛讓心自由。 )「順利擊敗勁敵《史帝夫賈伯斯》(Steve Jobs)中的凱特·溫斯蕾(Kate Winslet as Joanna Hoffman),與《因為愛你》(Carol)中的魯妮·瑪拉(Rooney Mara,奪得最佳女配角獎的影后榮銜。
另一位眾望所歸的得獎者,就是今年高齡88歲的義大利國寶級作曲家、電影配樂大師顏尼歐.莫利克奈(Ennio Morricone)終於以《八惡人》(The Hateful Eight)奪得「最佳原創音樂獎」。他的知名代表作包括《新天堂樂園》(Nuovo Cinema Paradiso)、《海上鋼琴師》(The Legend of 1900)、《教會》(The Mission)、《黃昏三鏢客》(The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)等等,大家應該都是耳熟能詳。
1.影藝學院榮譽獎(終身成就獎) Academy Honorary Awards
史派克·李(Spike Lee) 1957年生,今年59歲,美國導演,個人生平與影藝生簡介,請參見維基百科
吉娜·羅蘭茲(Gena Rowlands) 美國影視舞台劇演員,1930年生,今年86 歲,個人生平與影藝生簡介,請參見維基百科
2.珍·赫蕭特人道精神獎 Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award
戴比·雷諾茲(Debbie Reynolds), 美國影視舞台劇演員,1932生,今年84歲,個人生平與影藝生簡介,請參見維基百科
3.最佳影片 Best Picture
《大賣空》(The Big Short) – Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, and Jeremy Kleiner
《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies) – Steven Spielberg, Marc Platt, and Kristie Macosko Krieger
《愛在他鄉》(Brooklyn) – Finola Dwyer and Amanda Posey
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Doug Mitchell and George Miller
《絕地救援》(The Martian) – Simon Kinberg, Ridley Scott, Michael Schaefer, and Mark Huffam
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Arnon Milchan, Steve Golin, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Mary Parent, and Keith Redmon
《不存在的房間》(Room) – Ed Guiney
《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight) – Michael Sugar, Steve Golin, Nicole Rocklin, and Blye Pagon Faust
得主:《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight) – Michael Sugar, Steve Golin, Nicole Rocklin, and Blye Pagon Faust (影評請見 「驚爆焦點」--- 四方訪查聚焦弱勢,步步進逼引爆真相!
4.最佳導演 Best Director
亞當·麥凱(Adam McKay)-《大賣空》(The Big Short)
喬治·米勒(George Miller)-《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road)
阿利安卓·崗札雷·伊納利圖(Alejandro G. Iñárritu)-《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant)
蘭尼·阿伯拉罕森(Lenny Abrahamson)-《不存在的房間》(Room)
湯姆·麥卡錫(Tom McCarthy)-《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight)
得主: 阿利安卓·崗札雷·伊納利圖(Alejandro G. Iñárritu)-《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) (影評請見 「神鬼獵人」之懂得外語 + 野外求生技能 + 強烈生存意志+ 信仰親情很重要 ! )
5.最佳男主角 Best Actor
布萊恩·克蘭斯頓(Bryan Cranston as Dalton Trumbo)-《好萊塢的黑名單》(Trumbo)
麥特·戴蒙(Matt Damon as Mark Watney)-《絕地救援》(The Martian)
李奧納多·狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass)-《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant)
麥可·法斯賓達(Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs)-《史帝夫賈伯斯》(Steve Jobs)
艾迪·瑞德曼(Eddie Redmayne as Lili Elbe / Einar Wegener)-《丹麥女孩》(The Danish Girl)
得主: 李奧納多·狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass)-《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) (影評請見 「神鬼獵人」之懂得外語 + 野外求生技能 + 強烈生存意志+ 信仰親情很重要 ! )
6.最佳女主角 Best Actress
凱特·布蘭琪(Cate Blanchett as Carol Aird)-《因為愛你》(Carol)
布麗·拉爾森(Brie Larson as Joy "Ma" Newsome)-《不存在的房間》(Room)
珍妮佛·勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence as Joy Mangano)-《翻轉幸福》(Joy)
夏綠蒂·蘭普林(Charlotte Rampling as Kate Mercer)-《45年》(45 Years)
瑟夏·羅南(Saoirse Ronan as Eilis Lacey)-《愛在他鄉》(Brooklyn)
得主: 布麗·拉爾森(Brie Larson as Joy "Ma" Newsome)-《不存在的房間》(Room) (影評請見 「不存在的房間」--- 人,一定要相互依靠才能堅強活下去。
7.最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor
克里斯汀·貝爾(Christian Bale as Michael Burry)-《大賣空》(The Big Short)
湯姆·哈迪(Tom Hardy as John Fitzgerald)-《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant)
馬克·魯法洛(Mark Ruffalo as Michael Rezendes)-《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight)
馬克·里朗斯(Mark Rylance as Rudolf Abel)-《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies)
席維斯·史特龍(Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa)-《金牌拳手》(Creed)
得獎者: 馬克·里朗斯(Mark Rylance as Rudolf Abel)-《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies)
8.最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress
珍妮佛·傑森·李(Jennifer Jason Leigh as Daisy Domergue)-《八惡人》(The Hateful Eight)
魯妮·瑪拉(Rooney Mara as Therese Belivet)-《因為愛你》(Carol)
瑞秋·麥亞當斯(Rachel McAdams as Sacha Pfeiffer)-《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight)
艾莉西亞·維肯特(Alicia Vikander as Gerda Wegener)-《丹麥女孩》(The Danish Girl)
凱特·溫斯蕾(Kate Winslet as Joanna Hoffman)-《史帝夫賈伯斯》(Steve Jobs)
得獎人: 艾莉西亞·維肯特(Alicia Vikander as Gerda Wegener)-《丹麥女孩》(The Danish Girl) (影評請看「丹麥女孩」--- 尋找自我認同,真愛讓心自由。)
9.最佳外語片 Best Foreign Language Film
《夢遊亞馬遜》(Embrace of the Serpent)(哥倫比亞) – Ciro Guerra
《少女離家日記》(Mustang)(法國) – Deniz Gamze Ergüven
《索爾之子》(Son of Saul)(匈牙利) – László Nemes
《希布》(Theeb)(約旦) – Naji Abu Nowar
《一場戰爭》(A War)(丹麥) – Tobias Lindholm
得主: 《索爾之子》(Son of Saul)(匈牙利) – László Nemes,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh2toNTE7rA
10.最佳真人短片 Best Live Action Short Film
《Ave Maria》 – Eric Dupont and Basil Khalil
《Day One》 – Henry Hughes
《Everything Will Be Okay》 – Patrick Vollrath
《Shok》 – Jamie Donoughue
《Stutterer》 – Benjamin Cleary and Serena Armitage
得主: 《Stutterer》 – Benjamin Cleary and Serena Armitage ,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImdkISvOesg
11.最佳動畫短片 Best Animated Short Film
《熊物語》(Bear Story) – Pato Escala Pierart and Gabriel Osorio Vargas
《序章》(Prologue) – Imogen Sutton and Richard Williams
《桑傑的超級團隊》(Sanjay's Super Team) – Nicole Paradis Grindle and Sanjay Patel
《飛向星星的你》(We Can't Live Without Cosmos) – Konstantin Bronzit
《明天的世界》(World of Tomorrow) – Don Hertzfeldt
得獎者: 《熊物語》(Bear Story) – Pato Escala Pierart and Gabriel Osorio Vargas,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-8OAOdmMho
12.最佳動畫長片 Best Animated Feature Film
《安諾瑪麗莎》(Anomalisa) – Charlie Kaufman, Duke Johnson, and Rosa Tran
《腦筋急轉彎》(Inside Out) – Pete Docter and Jonas Rivera
《笑笑羊大電影》(Shaun the Sheep Movie) – Mark Burton and Richard Starzak
《小男孩與奇幻世界》(Boy & the World) – Alê Abreu
《回憶中的瑪妮》(When Marnie Was There) – Hiromasa Yonebayashi and Yoshiaki Nishimura
得獎者: 《腦筋急轉彎》(Inside Out) – Pete Docter and Jonas Rivera ,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMlzCP5u2w8
13.最佳紀錄短片 Best Documentary – Short Subject
《Body Team 12》 – David Darg and Bryn Mooser
《Chau, Beyond the Lines》 – Courtney Marsh and Jerry Franck
《Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah》 – Adam Benzine
《A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness》 – Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
《Last Day of Freedom》 – Dee Hibbert-Jones and Nomi Talisman
得主: 《A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness》 – Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk2OcKVu8qU
14.最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary – Feature
《艾美懷絲》(Amy) – Asif Kapadia and James Gay-Rees
《無主之地》(Cartel Land) – Matthew Heineman and Tom Yellin
《沉默一瞬》(The Look of Silence) – Joshua Oppenheimer and Signe Byrge Sørensen
《妮娜西蒙:女伶的靈魂》(What Happened, Miss Simone?) – Liz Garbus, Amy Hobby, and Justin Wilkes
《凜冬烈火:烏克蘭為自由而戰》(Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom) – Evgeny Afineevsky and Den Tolmor
得主: 《艾美懷絲》(Amy) – Asif Kapadia and James Gay-Rees,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g9HRw1LkiA
15.最佳原創劇本 Best Original Screenplay
《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies) – Matt Charman, Ethan Coen, and Joel Coen
《人造意識》(Ex Machina) – Alex Garland
《腦筋急轉彎》(Inside Out) – Pete Docter, Meg LeFauve, Josh Cooley, and Ronnie del Carmen
《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight) – Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer
《衝出康普頓》(Straight Outta Compton) – Jonathan Herman, Andrea Berloff, S. Leigh Savidge, and Alan Wenkus
得獎者: 《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight) – Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer
16.最佳改編劇本 Best Adapted Screenplay
《大賣空》(The Big Short) – Adam McKay and Charles Randolph from The Big Short by Michael Lewis
《愛在他鄉》(Brooklyn) – Nick Hornby from Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín
《因為愛你》(Carol) – Phyllis Nagy from The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
《絕地救援》(The Martian) – Drew Goddard from The Martian by Andy Weir
《不存在的房間》(Room) – Emma Donoghue from Room by Emma Donoghue
得獎者: 《大賣空》(The Big Short) – Adam McKay and Charles Randolph from The Big Short by Michael Lewis
17.最佳原創音樂 Best Original Score
《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies) – Thomas Newman
《因為愛你》(Carol) – Carter Burwell
《八惡人》(The Hateful Eight) – Ennio Morricone
《怒火邊界》(Sicario) – Jóhann Jóhannsson
《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens) – John Williams
得主: 《八惡人》(The Hateful Eight) – Ennio Morricone , 影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5wnW_H9hXg
18.最佳攝影 Best Cinematography
《因為愛你》(Carol) – Ed Lachman
《八惡人》(The Hateful Eight) – Robert Richardson
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – John Seale
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Emmanuel Lubezki
《怒火邊界》(Sicario) – Roger Deakins
得獎者: 《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Emmanuel Lubezki
19.最佳剪輯 Best Film Editing
《大賣空》(The Big Short) – Hank Corwin
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Margaret Sixel
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Stephen Mirrione
《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens) – Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo Markey
《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight) – Tom McArdle
得獎者: 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Margaret Sixel
20.最佳美術設計 Best Production Design
《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies) – Rena DeAngelo, Bernhard Henrich, and Adam Stockhausen
《丹麥女孩》(The Danish Girl) – Michael Standish and Eve Stewart
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Colin Gibson and Lisa Thompson
《絕地救援》(The Martian) – Celia Bobak and Arthur Max
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Jack Fisk and Hamish Purdy
得獎者: 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Colin Gibson and Lisa Thompson
21.最佳混音 Best Sound Mixing
《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies) – Andy Nelson, Gary Rydstrom, and Drew Kunin
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Chris Jenkins, Gregg Rudloff, and Ben Osmo
《絕地救援》(The Martian) – Paul Massey, Mark Taylor, and Mac Ruth
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño, Randy Thom, and Chris Duesterdiek
《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens) – Andy Nelson, Christopher Scarabosio, and Stuart Wilson
得獎者: 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Colin Gibson and Lisa Thompson
22.最佳音效剪輯 Best Sound Editing
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Mark A. Mangini and David White
《絕地救援》(The Martian) – Mark A. Mangini and David White
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Martin Hernández and Lon Bender
《怒火邊界》(Sicario) – Alan Robert Murray
《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens) – Matthew Wood and David Acord
得獎者: 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Colin Gibson and Lisa Thompson
23. 最佳視覺效果 Best Visual Effects
《人造意識》(Ex Machina) – Mark Williams Ardington, Sara Bennett, Paul Norris, and Andrew Whitehurst
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Andrew Jackson, Dan Oliver, Andy Williams, and Tom Wood
《絕地救援》(The Martian) – Anders Langlands, Chris Lawrence, Richard Stammers, and Steven Warner
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Richard McBride, Matt Shumway, Jason Smith, and Cameron Waldbauer
《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens) – Chris Corbould, Roger Guyett, Paul Kavanagh, and Neal Scanlan
得獎者: 《人造意識》(Ex Machina) – Mark Williams Ardington, Sara Bennett, Paul Norris, and Andrew Whitehurst ,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiuDudnlAJQ
24.最佳服裝設計 Best Costume Design
《因為愛你》(Carol) – Sandy Powell
《仙履奇緣》(Cinderella) – Sandy Powell
《丹麥女孩》(The Danish Girl) – Paco Delgado
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Jenny Beavan
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Jacqueline West
得獎者 : 瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Jenny Beavan
25.最佳化妝與髮型設計 Best Makeup and Hairstyling
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Lesley Vanderwalt, Elka Wardega, and Damian Martin
《百歲老人翹家去》(The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared) – Love Larson and Eva von Bahr
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Siân Grigg, Duncan Jarman, and Robert Pandini
得獎者: 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Lesley Vanderwalt, Elka Wardega, and Damian Martin
26.最佳原創歌曲 Best Music - Original Song
“Earned It” from Fifty Shades of Grey
Music and lyrics by Abel Tesfaye, Ahmad Balshe, Jason DahealaQuenneville and Stephan Moccio
“Manta Ray” from Racing Extinction Music by J. Ralph and lyrics by Antony Hegarty
“Simple Song #3” from Youth Music and lyrics by David Lang
“Til It Happens to You” from The Hunting Ground Music and lyric by Diane Warren and Lady Gaga
“Writing’s on the Wall” from Spectre Music and lyrics by Jimmy Napes and Sam Smith
得獎者: “Writing’s on the Wall” from Spectre Music and lyrics by Jimmy Napes and Sam Smith,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jzDnsjYv9A
1.影藝學院榮譽獎(終身成就獎) Academy Honorary Awards
史派克·李(Spike Lee)
吉娜·羅蘭茲(Gena Rowlands)
2.珍·赫蕭特人道精神獎 Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award
戴比·雷諾茲(Debbie Reynolds)
3.最佳影片 Best Picture
《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight) – Michael Sugar, Steve Golin, Nicole Rocklin, and Blye Pagon Faust
4.最佳導演 Best Director
阿利安卓·崗札雷·伊納利圖(Alejandro G. Iñárritu)-《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant)
5.最佳男主角 Best Actor
李奧納多·狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass)-《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant)
6.最佳女主角 Best Actress
布麗·拉爾森(Brie Larson as Joy "Ma" Newsome)-《不存在的房間》(Room)
7.最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor
馬克·里朗斯(Mark Rylance as Rudolf Abel)-《間諜橋》(Bridge of Spies)
8.最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress
艾莉西亞·維肯特(Alicia Vikander as Gerda Wegener)-《丹麥女孩》(The Danish Girl)
9.最佳外語片 Best Foreign Language Film
《索爾之子》(Son of Saul)(匈牙利) – László Nemes
10.最佳真人短片 Best Live Action Short Film
《Stutterer》 – Benjamin Cleary and Serena Armitage
11.最佳動畫短片 Best Animated Short Film
《熊物語》(Bear Story) – Pato Escala Pierart and Gabriel Osorio Vargas
12.最佳動畫長片 Best Animated Feature Film
《腦筋急轉彎》(Inside Out) – Pete Docter and Jonas Rivera
13.最佳紀錄短片 Best Documentary – Short Subject
《A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness》 – Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
14.最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary – Feature
《艾美懷絲》(Amy) – Asif Kapadia and James Gay-Rees
15.最佳原創劇本 Best Original Screenplay
《驚爆焦點》(Spotlight) – Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer
16.最佳改編劇本 Best Adapted Screenplay
《大賣空》(The Big Short) – Adam McKay and Charles Randolph from The Big Short by Michael Lewis
17.最佳原創音樂 Best Original Score
《八惡人》(The Hateful Eight) – Ennio Morricone
18.最佳攝影 Best Cinematography
《神鬼獵人》(The Revenant) – Emmanuel Lubezki
19.最佳剪輯 Best Film Editing
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Margaret Sixel
20.最佳美術設計Best Production Design
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Colin Gibson and Lisa Thompson
21.最佳混音 Best Sound Mixing
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Chris Jenkins, Gregg Rudloff, and Ben Osmo
22.最佳音效剪輯 Best Sound Editing
瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Colin Gibson and Lisa Thompson
23最佳視覺效果 Best Visual Effects
《人造意識》(Ex Machina) – Mark Williams Ardington, Sara Bennett, Paul Norris, and Andrew Whitehurst
24.最佳服裝設計 Best Costume Design
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Jenny Beavan
25.最佳化妝與髮型設計 Best Makeup and Hairstyling
《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road) – Lesley Vanderwalt, Elka Wardega, and Damian Martin
26.最佳原創歌曲 Best Music - Original Song
“Writing’s on the Wall” from Spectre Music and lyrics by Jimmy Napes and Sam Smith
二、本文介紹的電影相關影片,無任何商業利益考量,是引用自Youtube(http://www.youtube.com ),版權歸屬各相關電影發行與製作公司所有。