
「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


昨晚使用必勝客APP的「蛇年外帶買一送三」會員優惠券,打電話到位於台北市南港區南港路一段113號的「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」,首先任選一種口味與餅皮的大披薩,就免費送另一大披薩(口味任挑)、指定副食四擇一(黃金和風鱈魚塊 5塊、黃金雞軟骨小份、酥炸杏鮑菇與冰藏起司塔),與一瓶 1.25公升百事可樂,必勝客的餅皮有多種不同風味,依客人自選的風味與披薩大小加價,其中最基本的鬆厚餅皮,提供個人比薩、小比薩、大比薩,餅皮全素,入口外皮酥脆,口感鬆軟扎實。

第一種大披薩我選了「金皇軟殼蟹干貝」風味的厚皮大披薩(NT$918/大份,NT$649/小份),送的第二種大披薩,選的風味是「鐵板雙牛薄皮大披薩」(NT$750/大份,NT$500/小份) ; 指定副食四擇一,選的是「黃金和風鱈魚塊」 5塊(NT$50)、與一瓶 1.25公升百事可樂(NT$42)

因為送的「鐵板雙牛薄皮大披薩」選了薄脆餅皮的關係須加價,薄脆餅皮(個人比薩:定價+15元、小比薩:定價+25元、大比薩:定價+35元),於是從原價NT$918,加價NT$12,變成NT$930,就能享有額外總值 NT$750 +NT$50 +NT$42 =NT$842的贈品),算是超值划算的優惠券! 跟店家約好時間後,就前往外帶取餐回家,接著就來一一分享食用的感受。

「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025. 

當天回家途中將原本水平的盒裝,垂直放入提袋,所以首先打開第一盒並品嚐的是指定副食的「黃金和風鱈魚塊」 5塊,外皮烤得有點焦, 幸好吃起來還可以,只是沒有上回吃到的那麼恰到好處!

「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.

其次品嚐的是「金皇軟殼蟹干貝厚皮大披薩(NT$918/大份,NT$649/小份),有些餡料都黏到了盒蓋裡層的上方,外表有些不美麗, 但不影響好吃的口感,因為用料實在很豐富。

「金皇軟殼蟹干貝」厚皮大披薩,一盒裡面切成十塊, 份量十足吃起來很有飽足感,使用的內餡餡料十分豐盛,包括有軟殼蟹、干貝、魷魚、蟹風味棒、青花菜、番茄丁、蔥花、莫札瑞拉起司、照燒醬與蟹黃醬,軟殼蟹可整隻吞食,

店家嚴選酥炸軟殼蟹, 烹調上採先炸後烤的方式,軟殼蟹肉肉質細緻入口香酥,佐以鮮甜的干貝,軟嫩厚實入口鮮嫩多汁 ,再搭上入口Q彈的刻花魷魚,多款海鮮帶出整個「金皇軟殼蟹干貝」風味的厚皮大披薩滿滿鮮味,最後淋上以金黃色澤的蟹黃醬汁、照燒風味底醬,與雙醬甜鹹滋味香氣四溢,在嘴裡縹緲迴盪!

「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025. 

其次品嚐的是這盒「鐵板雙牛薄皮大披薩」(NT$750/大份,NT$500/小份),採用的內餡包括有特調微辣的黑胡椒牛柳與牛肉丸(含豬肉)兩種牛肉香嫩可口,搭配蘑菇、洋菇菠菜,再淋上莫札瑞拉起司與BBQ醬,味道豐富多變,層層留香,吃得開心又飽足! 邊吃兩種不同風味的大披薩,邊飲 1.25公升的百事可樂,清爽開胃,人生一大樂事!

「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025.「PIZZA HUT必勝客-南港外送店」APP 買一送三大超值優惠體驗(Special offer of Pizza Hut Nangang branch store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2025. 


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「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

從萬華起家的台式傳統小吃「萬華莊家班麻油雞」,旗艦店開在永和,今年在雙北快速展店,目前已有20家分店,主打麻油烹煮的雞與豬內臟系列餐點,包括麻油麵線 、 麻油綜合 、 麻油雞、麻油雞腿、 麻油豬肝、麻油腰子、高麗菜、麻油高麗菜與芝麻湯圓 ,就是一道道最好的暖胃療癒聖品,各家分店的餐點種類因當地客人口味偏好,略有調整不同。

時序進入寒冬,生意就益發地興旺,只要經過店家,很難不被飄出來的麻油香氣所吸引,2月6日晚上經過這家位於台北市南港區玉成街132號的「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」,明亮的黃底紅字招牌, 從店門外到騎樓不斷地呼喚著往來飢腸轆轆的遊客進入享用,店門口L型的廚房,上面是一道道拍得十分吸引人的餐點燈箱,這兩天寒流來襲,此時不來上一碗要待何時?

「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025 

於是進去店內看著牆上巨大圖文對照的菜單,直接跟店員點菜後,就可好整以暇地等候熱騰騰的美食上桌,吃完再結帳也不用自己動手收拾餐具,這種傳統以客為尊的服務態度, 還沒吃道餐點就已如沐春風!

「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025


「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025

喜歡吃麻油雞豬系列美食的朋友,不妨造訪散佈雙北各處的「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉」,當然如果恰好搭捷運道後山埤站下車,從3號出口一出站,對面就能看見這家位於位於台北市南港區玉成街132號的「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」, 店內餐點好吃,環境也收拾得挺乾淨的,用餐過程十分舒適值得一訪!

「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025 


營業地址: 115台北市南港區玉成街132號 
營業時間:週一到週日11:00 ~24:00
營業電話 : (02) 2653- 3839
UberEats 外送請點這裡


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2025 Taiwan record movie "紀錄片電影《沈睡的水下巨人》(Shipwrecks Taiwan) will be launching soon in Taiwan. 



「我還是希望告訴你,海洋是美麗的,但她卻美麗得很寂寞很空虛,海真的愈來愈差,特別是在台灣,過度的漁撈,造成小魚來不及長大,久而久之,漁獲量自然日益減少,台灣需要的是海洋文化,而不是海鮮文化。」 --- 金鐘導演李景白,以鏡頭書寫海洋的守護者

李景白導演是台灣最具影響力的紀錄片導演之一,也是專業的水下攝影師。他以 30 年以上的潛水經驗,結合影像美學與環境意識,創作出深具國際影響力的紀錄片。其作品多次入圍金鐘獎並三度奪獎。

熱愛海洋、重視生態親子教育、樂於分享沈船知識、致力推廣環境保護的朋友,千萬別錯過這部即將上映,台灣首部以水下沈船生態為題材,耗時 4 年拍攝的2025年紀錄片電影《沈睡的水下巨人》(Shipwrecks Taiwan),經過集資計畫即將與所有關心台灣海洋生態的朋友一起來探討,台灣海洋目前面對的困境與急迫需要解決的問題

2025 Taiwan record movie "紀錄片電影《沈睡的水下巨人》(Shipwrecks Taiwan) will be launching soon in Taiwan.

本片由金鐘導演李景白與拍攝團隊潛入深達 50 公尺的海底,克服超過 600 次的下潛挑戰,用 8K 高畫質鏡頭,捕捉海底的壯麗畫面與生態奇觀,揭開了多年來人類活動,對海洋環境的污染與破壞,導演不僅透過影片展現了台灣海底沈船故事與台灣海洋之美,更希望藉由影片,喚醒生活在台灣的人們,對台灣海洋生態保育的關注, 並採取具體的行動力。


從釋出了5分鐘的紀錄片預告,人們發現原來在台灣海底的沈船之下,藏著另一片生態天堂,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMXTdLmgLCk


🎬主持人:王陽明 SUNNY

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溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

大年初三(2025年1月31日)週五下午前進第四處平地賞櫻的景點 --- 汐止康誥溪兩側,從汐科火車站到綿延500公尺,種植約2百多株櫻花,花已開八成,十分賞心悅目,逛了快2小時走走拍拍後,到尾端的福德正神廟祭拜後,飢腸轆轆的我,看見了這處位於新北市汐止水源路一段267號,由藍色鐵皮屋搭建而成的小吃店「溪邊臭豆腐」,當天因為賞櫻的遊客多,小吃店的生意也是好到應接不暇,內用外帶的人潮川流不息,生意十分熱絡!

店名叫「溪邊臭豆腐」, 顧名思義就是位於康誥溪邊的小吃店,主打的可不只是酥炸臭豆腐,脆皮蚵仔煎酥、大腸蚵仔麵線並列店內三寶,還有清蒸肉圓、古早味碗粿、筒仔米糕、甜不辣、香菇雞湯、四神湯與苦瓜排骨湯。


溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025. 


首先品嚐的是這大盤的「酥炸臭豆腐」(NT$70/大盤),數一數一共七塊切好的臭豆腐,外皮詐得酥脆,色澤卻能保持金黃清亮,入口外脆內多汁, 搭配清脆爽口的泡菜,真的十分好吃!

溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025. 

接著品嚐的是這碗大碗的「大腸麵線」(NT$75/大碗)從麵線到大腸,老闆給的一點都不手軟,大腸處理得很乾淨,入口Q彈有咬勁, 麵線煮得恰到好處,不會太黏稠或軟爛,有絲滑的爽口感!

溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025. 

感覺這家「溪邊臭豆腐」走得是濃淡合宜清新不油膩的口感,很推薦喜歡清爽口味臭豆腐的朋友前往嚐鮮! 汐止康誥溪的櫻花林一路開到02/16(日),每晚17:30~22:00亮燈,日夜櫻都能欣賞到,不妨在賞完日櫻後先去填填肚子後,再持續賞夜櫻,感受日夜不同的櫻花風情與「溪邊臭豆腐」的美食魅力!

溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.  


營業時間:週一到週六15:00 ~22:00,賣完為止


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北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  



2025年新的一年開始,營業時間改為週二到週六 07:00 ~ 14:00,週日與週一休息,一般外地朋友可以搭乘北捷淡水信義線,從石牌捷運站2號出口步行約5分鐘己抵達「蕭記大餛飩」,招牌遠遠就看得見。

北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 


營業地址: 112台北市北投區裕民一路40巷21號
營業時間: 週二到週六 07:00 ~ 14:00
營業電話:(02) 2822 4837


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The Movie posters and stills of Chinese Movie 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms ) was launching in Taiwan at Jan, 2025.





由名導烏爾善與跨國特效團隊合作,幕後攜手千人製作團隊,拍出了近年大中華電影市場,前所未見神話史詩片的新標竿,《封神三部曲》可說是中國版的《魔戒三部曲》(2001 ~ 2003),距今20餘年,當年由紐西蘭導演彼得 · 傑克森(Peter Jackson) 所拍攝而成的系列電影《魔戒三部曲》(2001 ~ 2003),一次拍完,剪輯成三集分三年上映,作品至今令人印象深刻,看過的影迷津津樂道 ! 不讓珠玉在前的《封神三部曲》,烏爾善也拍出了集天地渾沌硝煙四起、亂臣賊子妖魔亂世,教忠教孝守護蒼生、到尋找共主開榜封神,八方征戰風雲再起磅礡千古的氣勢。






The Movie posters and stills of Chinese Movie 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms ) was launching in Taiwan at Jan, 2025.The Movie posters and stills of Chinese Movie 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms ) was launching in Taiwan at Jan, 2025.The Movie posters and stills of Chinese Movie 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms ) was launching in Taiwan at Jan, 2025.The Movie posters and stills of Chinese Movie 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 《封神第一部:朝歌風雲》( Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms ) was launching in Taiwan at Jan, 2025.


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新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演( Dragon and Lion tradional Chinese dance group performance during the period of CNY), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 30, 2025.新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演( Dragon and Lion tradional Chinese dance group performance during the period of CNY), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 30, 2025.新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演( Dragon and Lion tradional Chinese dance group performance during the period of CNY), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 30, 2025.新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演( Dragon and Lion tradional Chinese dance group performance during the period of CNY), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 30, 2025. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  


拍攝日期 : 2025年1月30日下午

拍攝地點 : 台北市信義區香緹大道廣場


大年初二( 2025年1月30日) 下午,與家人在新光三越新天地A4百貨6樓紅花鐵板燒餐廳聚餐後,一路沿著松智路來到了香緹廣場,遠遠就聽到了熱鬧的鑼鼓聲響,循聲走近一看,原來是在香緹大道廣場中央搭建的舞台,正在舉辦由新光三越信義新天地主辦的2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」過年節慶過年節慶一系列表演活動。




新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演 001,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIIwBsyuv9k

新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演 002,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUGYQu9wuUM

新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演 003,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGnoP3UlcvI

新光三越信義新天地香堤大道廣場「2025獅皇競-金獅納福展鴻圖」--- 基隆呂師傅龍獅團表演 004,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj73ki5JQi4


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「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  


拍攝日期 : 2025年1月30日下午

拍攝地點 : 110台北市信義區松智路1號 (華新麗華花旗銀行大樓)

花開狀況 : 四成






1月30日初二當天中午與家族成員聚餐後,順著松高路走到舊的誠品信義大樓後過斑馬線,當天陽光普照,首先映入眼簾的就是金黃的落羽松一路前行,彷彿引領大家往台北101與正在興建中的Sky Tower 摩天大樓,接著右手邊就看到「華新麗華大樓」,而穿梭在落羽松林之間,就是一棵棵含苞待放、或初綻幾朵,再到一整棵綻放的令人驚豔的滿樹櫻花

「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025


「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025 

從兩棵已開花的櫻花樹不同交錯的花朵縫隙之間的,與遠處的台北101、Sky Tower 與微風南山大樓之間相映成景,加上落羽松與其他品種的大樹點綴其間,美出了蛇年吉祥高雅新風範與氣韻!

「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025


「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025「華新麗華花旗銀行大樓」周邊櫻花林 (Cherry blossoms around the Walsin Xinyi Building), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 30, 2025



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  


#台北景點 #台北平地賞櫻第二拍 #北捷東湖 #內湖樂活公園櫻花林 

拍攝日期 : 2025年1月28日下午 

拍攝地點 : 花展地點 : 台北內湖樂活公園(114台北市內湖區康樂街61巷)
花開狀況 : 六成 

除夕(2025/01/28)下午陽光明媚,前進台北內湖樂活公園,欣賞從2025年1月24日(週五) 至2月15日(週六)為期三星期的「2025 樂活夜櫻季」(2025 Lohas Cherry Blossom Festival), 這處位於內湖區康樂街61巷旁的樂活公園, 歷經多年栽種培養,如今與中正紀念堂和國父紀念館並稱台北平地賞櫻三大名據點,都能搭乘捷運加上步行十分鐘就能抵達,適合老人家與行動不便的朋友前往賞櫻,而且不僅是白天能賞櫻,這幾年更推出了夜間賞櫻,讓人不用遠到而行到日本,就能同時享有不同的賞櫻風情畫,每年都是寒櫻先打頭陣,一月份就搶先開花迎賓,接著八重櫻、福爾摩莎櫻、昭和櫻陸續接棒開花! 公園裡面除了櫻花,還有各式各樣的花種被主辦單位特別整理成花藝展覽區, 就在2025樂活夜櫻季大型標誌物的正前方,花團錦簇十分吸睛,同樣也吸引了不少人駐足觀賞拍照


除夕當天下午遊客不多不會人擠人,逛起來特別舒適,可以慢慢沿著樂活公園由外而內,一層一層上行,沿著規劃良善的木棧道前行,許多朋友或自拍或合影,拍完了上層再沿著階梯下到內溝溪河岸,從不同的角度欣賞第一區的寒櫻之美,原本通往樂活步道的第二區八重櫻目前施工中前行的通道被圍住, 不知道之後會不會隨著八重櫻盛開後開放讓遊客參觀,往年曾經選在傍晚時分前去,拍完白天的櫻花丰姿後,先到公園周邊的店家吃頓完餐後,再繞回來欣賞夜櫻的風情,當公園裡的人工燈柱紛紛亮起時,取代了白日的光線,便揮灑出不同於白櫻之美的夜風情,日夜寒櫻相映成輝,各自展現了熱鬧與靜謐之美。

2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025)2025內湖樂活公園夜櫻季(Cherry Blossoms exhibition at Naihu park, Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Jan 28, 2025) 

樂活公園內溝溪步道能近距離欣賞盛開的上百株櫻花,有寒櫻、吉野櫻、八重櫻等,各式品種隨時令綻放。園內還有遊戲設施可以讓小朋友盡情玩耍。台北市政府內湖樂活夜櫻季為了陪大小朋友一起迎接2025蛇年新春,今年在2025年1月24日(週五) 至2月15日(週六)花展期間,以「櫻花樹下的幸福」為主題,為大家打造一場夢幻浪漫的櫻花饗宴,還特別取得授權推出迪士尼公主裝置藝術,包括茉莉公主、樂佩公主及許願光廊等三處精彩的櫻花裝置,櫻花裝置藝術就設在公園的草地上,當然吸引了不少大小朋友前來合影,2/15下午更將舉辦邀幸福星光迪士尼公主主題派對,邀請大家一同許下願望,祝福大家新的一年心想事成, 喜歡兩位迪士尼公主的大小朋友別錯過趣味十足的活動喔!

樂佩公主 櫻花裝置藝術


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中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


拍攝日期 : 2025年1月27日下午 

拍攝地點 : 台北市信義區松仁路105號(全豐盛信義105大樓) 
花開狀況 : 七成 


但上週四(1/23)搭計程車到北醫回診,路經松德路與信義路五段台北東區豪宅群時,看見有一棵櫻花樹已盛開,加上這兩天氣象又提及寒流1/27 來襲, 台北將降到7度低溫,根據我之前造訪陽明山平菁街的櫻花林經驗,冷反而容易讓櫻花開,但下雨容易讓櫻花謝得快!


所以昨天下午台北一放晴,我立刻出門搭乘北捷板南線在永春站4號出口出站後,沿著松山路,一路沿著松德路直行,到信義路五段前進,果然在離捷運象山站3號出口不遠處,位於信義路五段95號冠德遠見大樓前右側看見了2025年台北第一棵平地櫻花樹,真的是很開心 !


中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025 


中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025 

拍完了「中國銀行台北分行」左側櫻花林最裡面的一棵櫻花樹後,從裡面往外看,隔著松仁路與遠百信義A13大樓,以及位於松智路與松壽路口,中國信託總部大樓及新舞臺拆除後的創意貨櫃市集COMMUNE A7,現正在興建中的「台北天空塔」,「台北天空塔」(The Sky Taipei)是一座興建中的雙品牌飯店百貨公司摩天大樓樓高280公尺,完工後將成為台北市信義區第二高樓,高度僅次於台北101 

中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025中國銀行台北分行左側櫻花林(Cherry Blossom at Taipei bank branck, China Bank, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Jan 27, 2025


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