
目前分類:台灣小吃 (237)

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「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

從萬華起家的台式傳統小吃「萬華莊家班麻油雞」,旗艦店開在永和,今年在雙北快速展店,目前已有20家分店,主打麻油烹煮的雞與豬內臟系列餐點,包括麻油麵線 、 麻油綜合 、 麻油雞、麻油雞腿、 麻油豬肝、麻油腰子、高麗菜、麻油高麗菜與芝麻湯圓 ,就是一道道最好的暖胃療癒聖品,各家分店的餐點種類因當地客人口味偏好,略有調整不同。

時序進入寒冬,生意就益發地興旺,只要經過店家,很難不被飄出來的麻油香氣所吸引,2月6日晚上經過這家位於台北市南港區玉成街132號的「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」,明亮的黃底紅字招牌, 從店門外到騎樓不斷地呼喚著往來飢腸轆轆的遊客進入享用,店門口L型的廚房,上面是一道道拍得十分吸引人的餐點燈箱,這兩天寒流來襲,此時不來上一碗要待何時?

「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025 

於是進去店內看著牆上巨大圖文對照的菜單,直接跟店員點菜後,就可好整以暇地等候熱騰騰的美食上桌,吃完再結帳也不用自己動手收拾餐具,這種傳統以客為尊的服務態度, 還沒吃道餐點就已如沐春風!

「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025


「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025

喜歡吃麻油雞豬系列美食的朋友,不妨造訪散佈雙北各處的「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉」,當然如果恰好搭捷運道後山埤站下車,從3號出口一出站,對面就能看見這家位於位於台北市南港區玉成街132號的「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」, 店內餐點好吃,環境也收拾得挺乾淨的,用餐過程十分舒適值得一訪!

「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025「萬華莊家班麻油雞玉成店」麻油腰只(Sesame oil kidney at WanHwa Sesame chicken shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2025 


營業地址: 115台北市南港區玉成街132號 
營業時間:週一到週日11:00 ~24:00
營業電話 : (02) 2653- 3839
UberEats 外送請點這裡


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溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

大年初三(2025年1月31日)週五下午前進第四處平地賞櫻的景點 --- 汐止康誥溪兩側,從汐科火車站到綿延500公尺,種植約2百多株櫻花,花已開八成,十分賞心悅目,逛了快2小時走走拍拍後,到尾端的福德正神廟祭拜後,飢腸轆轆的我,看見了這處位於新北市汐止水源路一段267號,由藍色鐵皮屋搭建而成的小吃店「溪邊臭豆腐」,當天因為賞櫻的遊客多,小吃店的生意也是好到應接不暇,內用外帶的人潮川流不息,生意十分熱絡!

店名叫「溪邊臭豆腐」, 顧名思義就是位於康誥溪邊的小吃店,主打的可不只是酥炸臭豆腐,脆皮蚵仔煎酥、大腸蚵仔麵線並列店內三寶,還有清蒸肉圓、古早味碗粿、筒仔米糕、甜不辣、香菇雞湯、四神湯與苦瓜排骨湯。


溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025. 


首先品嚐的是這大盤的「酥炸臭豆腐」(NT$70/大盤),數一數一共七塊切好的臭豆腐,外皮詐得酥脆,色澤卻能保持金黃清亮,入口外脆內多汁, 搭配清脆爽口的泡菜,真的十分好吃!

溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025. 

接著品嚐的是這碗大碗的「大腸麵線」(NT$75/大碗)從麵線到大腸,老闆給的一點都不手軟,大腸處理得很乾淨,入口Q彈有咬勁, 麵線煮得恰到好處,不會太黏稠或軟爛,有絲滑的爽口感!

溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025. 

感覺這家「溪邊臭豆腐」走得是濃淡合宜清新不油膩的口感,很推薦喜歡清爽口味臭豆腐的朋友前往嚐鮮! 汐止康誥溪的櫻花林一路開到02/16(日),每晚17:30~22:00亮燈,日夜櫻都能欣賞到,不妨在賞完日櫻後先去填填肚子後,再持續賞夜櫻,感受日夜不同的櫻花風情與「溪邊臭豆腐」的美食魅力!

溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.溪邊臭豆腐」(Stingky Tofu and intestine noodles at Creekside shop), HsiGi area, Hsinpei city, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2025.  


營業時間:週一到週六15:00 ~22:00,賣完為止


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  



2025年新的一年開始,營業時間改為週二到週六 07:00 ~ 14:00,週日與週一休息,一般外地朋友可以搭乘北捷淡水信義線,從石牌捷運站2號出口步行約5分鐘己抵達「蕭記大餛飩」,招牌遠遠就看得見。

北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025


北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025北投石牌蕭記大餛飩肉圓與魚丸湯(Meat ball and fish ball soup at Hsiao's ravioli shop),Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 5, 2025 


營業地址: 112台北市北投區裕民一路40巷21號
營業時間: 週二到週六 07:00 ~ 14:00
營業電話:(02) 2822 4837


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(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

2023年12月底造訪高雄,探訪中山大學校園與西子灣南岬頭後,下午回程雨愈下愈大,行經過西藏街時,看見這家位於高雄市鼓山區臨海二路83號的「褔」蒸肉圓,飢腸轆轆的我馬上停下來享用我很愛的清蒸肉圓,當時店內門口的招牌上寫的營業時間,是週一到週五10:30 ~ 18:30 ,週六是10:30 ~ 15:00 ,週日休息,「褔」蒸肉圓主打「清蒸肉圓」(NT$15/顆,大人一次至少要點兩顆)、魚丸湯、魚羹湯、貢丸湯、豬腸湯與綜合丸湯,每碗一律NT$20,跟台北比這種物價實在太佛心親民,不過去年萬物齊漲,就不知道今年漲了沒? 但就算是小漲5元,還是很便宜


騎樓擺上了桌椅給往來的客人點餐享用,店內看得到有員工手工現做的肉圓,牆上掛著巨大的看板,店內的清蒸肉圓皮是用在來米磨成的米漿,再加入地瓜粉製成,而肉圓內餡則是採用市場合格豬的後腿肉經過醃製而成,包好的肉圓放入蒸籠蒸熟後,就是一顆顆迷人的 「褔」蒸肉圓 

(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen 

當天我點了一碗三顆的「清蒸肉圓」(NT$15/顆,三顆NT$45)與一碗4顆的「魚丸湯」(NT$20/碗),一共只花了NT$65,台北的清蒸肉圓兩顆價格帶落在NT$45 ~ 50之間,由此比較就知道南北物價的差距 

(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen


(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen


(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen

下次有機會造訪這家位於高雄市鼓山區臨海二路83號的「褔」蒸肉圓,搭乘高捷在哈瑪星站下車出站後,順著臨海二路直走,約莫 8 ~ 10分鐘就能抵達,品嚐這家美味CP值超高的清蒸肉圓與湯品 。

(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen(高雄美食) 西子灣褔「蒸肉圓」(Steamed Meat ball), Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Dec 30, 2023, SJKen



營業時間:週一到週五10:30 ~ 18:30 ,週六是10:30 ~ 15:00 ,週日休息


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

這家位於台北市民權西路254號,捷運中和新蘆線「大橋頭」站2號出口附近一家30年老字號的小吃店, 因為創始店就開在樹林火車站前面,所以舊名為「車站前麵線肉圓」,2024年8月10日重新擴大營業, 不再讓客人只能在騎樓擺桌用餐,而是提供了冷氣的內用空間,用餐更加舒適,正式改名為「紅鬍子傳統美食」。專賣大腸/蚵仔麵線、彰化肉圓、魯肉飯等台灣傳統小吃。


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 



)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025. 

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



之前吃過幾次印象深刻,這回隔了一年半再訪,點了了一碗小碗的「滷肉飯」(NT$30/小碗)、一盤「蝦捲」(NT$65/盤)、一碗「肉羹湯」(NT$55/碗)與一碗「排骨酥湯」(NT$55/碗),四道菜只花了一共NT$195,跟前年8月造訪時相比,除了滷肉飯價格不變外,其餘三道餐點各自小漲NT$5元,以近年漲個不停的物價, 這家的餐點真的是好吃又能吃飽,CP值一整個超高!

台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.

首先品嚐的是這一碗小碗的「滷肉飯」(NT$30/小碗),這家的滷肉飯,細小的絞肉入口肥而不膩, 上面淋上肉燥醬汁,白飯粒粒分明端上來熟熱的,跟滷肉一起攪拌過後入口,一整個好吃道迅速吃光光。

台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025. 


台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025. 

第三道品嚐的是這碗「排骨酥湯」(NT$55/碗),一碗有六顆排骨酥,兩塊白蘿蔔與一顆香菇, 排骨酥完全去骨吃起來很方便, 白蘿蔔熬煮的軟嫩恰到好處,吃起來多汁香嫩!

台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.


台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.

這陣子台北寒流過境,天天低溫壟罩整個台北市,晚上來這家位於台北市松山區興安街172-1號的 「強記圓環肉羹魯肉飯」,暖胃又暖心,CP值超高值得一嚐!

台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025.台北興安街強記圓環肉羹滷肉飯(Light dishes with Meat soup, Spare ribs soup and Baised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen on Jan 6, 2025. 


營業地址 : 105台北市松山區興安街172-1號

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen 

 (本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  



(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen 


(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen 

二樓還設有調味醬取用區,讓客人可以依照個人口味輕重自行增減, 另外對家庭親子客,也備有幼兒座椅方便爸媽餵食,從許多小地方都能看出「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」 生意能如此受到歡迎的原因

(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen 

2023年6月初第一次造訪,菜單概分為排骨類(如排骨酥麵疙瘩與意麵)、肉燥類、肉圓水餃、牛肉麵、湯類與其他類( 滷肉飯與各式小菜如小菜拼盤和燙空心菜),當晚我點了一碗竹東邱記排骨酥麵店內招牌的「排骨酥麵疙瘩」(NT$130/碗)與一盤「豆芽菜」(NT$50/盤),合計NT$180,當時餐點單價介於NT$55 ~NT$225之間,經過一年多想必又有所調漲。

(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen

首先品嚐的是這盤「豆芽菜」(NT$50/盤),新竹這幾年的物價幾乎都跟台北物價並駕齊驅,有趣的是在中大型餐館提供的小菜,在份量上往往比小吃店裡更勝一籌,而這盤「豆芽菜」(NT$50/盤)正是如此, 不管是跟台北還是新竹城隍廟觀光景區的小吃店相比,份量都給得相當慷慨,CP值相對地高,豆芽菜入口新鮮清脆多汁,上面灑滿了店家的獨門肉末與些許的韭菜,與豆芽菜的交融,在口中迸發開來滋味豐富,吃起來清爽又開胃

(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen 

接著品嚐的就是這碗店內招牌的「排骨酥麵疙瘩」(NT$130/碗),他家的排骨酥形狀跟風格獨幟一格,入口軟嫩的排骨酥與芋頭,佐以Q彈有咬勁的麵疙瘩,撒上滿滿的香菜青菜豆芽菜,加上獨門的湯頭,入口味道豐富而令人歡愉! 跟新竹在地另一家知名的朱家排骨酥、豐原清水排骨酥,以及雙北擁有多家連鎖,創始店在西門町的楊排骨酥,在形狀與湯頭各擅勝場各有千秋, 風味都在水準之上,至於哪家最好吃,就真的看個人口味偏好而定

(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen


(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「竹東邱記排骨酥麵-新竹店」(Crispy spareribs noodle store)Hsinchu city, Taiwan, Jun 3, 2023, SJKen





SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  


從北捷南港站出站後,過了南港路二段後,順著興華路靠左直走,約莫5分鐘腳程就抵達這家位於台北市南港區興華路92號的「點新春蚵仔麵線」,由老闆夫婦從民國73年( 1984年)開業至今,已走過四十個年頭,隨著兩人年紀漸長,體力大不如前,加上第二代雖然平日常出現幫忙,卻無意接手家傳生意,現在也選擇進公司當上班族,老夫婦體力不堪負荷,加上無人接手,老闆夫婦便宣告營業至2024年10月23日星期三中午,消息一傳開,這幾天店前幾乎是天天大排長龍,內用外帶在地老客人不斷湧進,內用吃完的客人還外帶,一下子就賣光光,原本一碗蚵仔麵線中,還可選擇麵線加蚵仔、麵線加大腸,或麵線+大腸+蚵仔,還可依客人個人喜好,添加香菜、辣油、蒜蓉醬油或醋,打造專屬於每位客人的口味。

(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N 

今年下午從醫院看病回來後,特別前去排隊,原本下午三點開始營業,遲到三點半鐵捲門才往上拉開,為求公平起見,不管內用外帶一律排隊,因為客人太多,每人限購四碗,老闆也沒時間再熬煮大腸,就是回歸招牌的「點新春蚵仔麵線」,每位內用外帶的客人都跟老闆夫婦表達不捨的離情依依,老闆娘也一一跟每位客人表達感謝多年來的照顧之意,老闆還是不斷地進進出出,將一鍋鍋剛煮好的麵線端到大門內的廚房,並一一倒入大鍋,才能勉強應付川流不息的客人,排隊的人群中有附近鄰居、上班族、家庭主婦、白髮蒼蒼的老客人,大家都很有秩序地排隊,也因為要等很久, 還發生久未相見的老友,在人群發現彼此還敘舊加LINE自拍合照, 現場氣氛一片溫馨祥和。

(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N 

終於輪到我時,買了四碗大碗的「點新春蚵仔麵線」(NT$70/大碗、NT$55/中碗與NT$45/ 小碗)回家大快剁頤一番,這碗大碗的「點新春蚵仔麵線」(NT$70/大碗), 麵線煮得清爽不黏膩,加上幾顆大顆新鮮的蚵仔入口鮮美,撒上香菜與蒜蓉醬汁,滋味剛剛好不會過鹹更添幾分美味,一家店只靠能一道蚵仔麵線能賣四十年,自然有其美味吸引人的本事!

(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), Nangang district, Taipei, SJKen, Oct 22, 2024.(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N 

喜歡吃傳統單純質樸真材實料蚵仔麵線的朋友,把握明天最後半天的時間(週三07:50 ~ 12:30 ),來這家位於台北市南港區興華路92號的「點新春蚵仔麵線」,感受四十年老字號的獨特魅力!

(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N(台北南港美食)「點新春蚵仔麵線」 (Oyster noodles shop), N 


營業地址: 115台北市南港區興華路92號
營業時間: 週一至週二,週四至週六07:50 ~12:30, 15:00 ~ 18:30,週三07:50 ~ 12:30 (週日公休)

最終營業日 : 2024年10月23日07:50 ~ 12:30


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen

 (本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  




今年八月底首訪,這家小吃店賣的餐點種類很多,內用外帶的客人都不少,生意非常好,當晚點了一「油豆腐」(NT$30/盤)、一盤「炒米粉」(NT$40/盤)、一碗「統味甜不辣」(NT$70/碗) 與一碗「肉焿湯」(NT$60/碗) ,一共NT$200。

(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen 

首先品嚐的是這碗小巧可愛的小菜「油豆腐」(NT$30/碗),一碗三小塊,炸的軟嫩香氣十足,簡單淋上醬油膏,吃來開胃餘韻無窮(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen


(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen 

第三道享用的是店家招牌「統味甜不辣」(NT$70/碗),豐富的用料讓人在碗裡尋寶,裡面裝各種橫的、長的、圓的甜不辣、豬血糕與白蘿蔔,淋上店家獨門的醬汁,整碗甜不辣份量十足讓人吃得很飽足(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen


(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen 

喜歡喝新竹傳統小吃的朋友,找一天來這家位於新竹市東區文昌街21號的「統味甜不辣 」,感受平價又美味的小吃集錦

(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen(新竹東區美食)「統味甜不辣」(Taiwan style tempra and light dishes store), Aug 31, 2024, Hsinchu city, SJKen 


營業時間:週一到週日09:00 ~21:45

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen 

當天點了一碗招牌的「芋頭肉圓」(NT$50/碗)與一碗「綜合貢丸湯 」(NT$55/碗),合計NT$105,餐點的確美味超值! 店家除了招牌「芋頭肉圓」,還有「蔥肉肉圓」與「筍絲肉圓」,湯的種類更多選,包括「魚羹湯」、「噴水爆漿貢丸湯」、「肉燕羹湯」、「四神湯」、「四神貢丸湯」,如果想一次全嚐鮮,就跟我一樣點碗「綜合貢丸湯」,就能在一碗內吃到不同的丸子。

(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen 


(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen 

接著享用這碗「綜合貢丸湯 」(NT$55/碗),一碗四顆,有魚羹與貢丸,湯頭是清湯撒上簡單的芹菜末調味,吃完濃郁香氣的芋頭肉圓後,喝上一碗清湯剛剛好平衡味蕾,貢丸與魚羹味道各有千秋都好吃!

(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen 


(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen(新竹都城隍廟美食)「林家肉圓」---特色「芋頭肉圓」與「綜合貢丸湯」(Taro Meat ball , Pork and fish ball soup), Hsinchu, Apr 2, 2023, SJKen 


營業時間:週三到週一 10:00 ~ 20:30(每週二公休)
營業電話:(03) 527- 8823
FB粉專: 林家肉圓,新竹肉圓,城隍廟美食,四代傳承


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs, light dishes store), Hsinchu city, Sep 14, 2024, SJKen「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


到新竹市總喜歡到處在大街小巷內尋幽探訪,九月中旬無意間在大成街8號的暗巷中,發現這家隱身在巷弄間,位於新竹市東區大成街8號的「朱家排骨酥麵」,店家主打排骨酥麵與清蒸肉圓的小吃店,門口左邊是廚房,右邊是入口,裡面座位不多,大多數在地客人似乎都是外帶居多,那晚我剛好趕在店家快打烊前進去用餐,就點了一碗「朱家排骨酥湯」(NT$85/碗)、一碗「清蒸蝦仁肉圓 」(NT$85/一碗3顆)、一盤「豆芽菜 」(NT$40/盤)與一盤「五香豆乾」(NT$40/盤),合計NT$225,真是十分超值。

「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs 

首先品嚐的是這一盤「豆芽菜 」(NT$40/盤),撒上油蔥的豆芽菜,入口清爽咀嚼有汁,價格跟台北相同,但份量明顯較多,CP值相對較高。

「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs 


「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs 

第三道品嚐的是這碗「清蒸蝦仁肉圓 」(NT$85/一碗3顆),用蒸的做法吃起來外皮特別Q彈,內餡除了實在的瘦豬肉,還佐以一隻完整的蝦仁,三顆吃下來很有飽足感!

「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs 


「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs 


「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs「朱家排骨酥麵」排骨酥與蝦仁肉圓 (Crispy spareribs and shrimp meatballs 



營業時間:週一到週六 11:30 ~ 14:15 ,16:30 ~ 20:15(每週日公休)


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023

 (本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023 

之後上網搜尋新竹美食,在地人推薦中央市場內有兩攤新竹獨門專賣糯米餃的攤位,原本兩家都想去嚐鮮,但第一家擁有70年歷史,位於中央市場92號攤的糯米水餃,是生意最好的攤位,但第一次造訪就被其非常奇葩的服務方式與用餐環境嚇到! 根據在地人告知,規矩是老闆娘還沒開口問你之前,客人不必開口點餐,也不會有人理你,因為不管客人有多少,點餐下廚收錢的都只有一位老闆娘,,我當天看到的情形也的確是如此,然後在等待的過程中,被廚房裡的一隻突然出現,活生生到處攀爬的大蟑螂嚇到,立馬起身離開!

(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023 


(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023 

當天點了一碗招牌「阿金黑糯米餃」(NT$60/碗),一碗中有六顆糯米餃,糯米餃的口感,入口比起一般我們熟悉的餃子入口更為軟嫩綿密,你就想像內餡是水餃豬肉餡,但外皮像客家湯圓,一次就吃到湯圓加水餃的雙滋味,因為每顆糯米餃剛好一口大小,吃起來方便,湯頭配料中有骨肉、芹菜與又豐富,整個餐點好吃又平價,吃完又有飽足感, CP值一整個超高!

 (新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023 


(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023(新竹美食)「阿金黑糯米餃」(White and purple sticky dumpling, light dishes booth), Hsinchu, central market, SJKen, Oct 3, 2023 


營業地址 : 300新竹市北區西門街2巷1號中央市場44攤
營業時間:週二到週日 07:00 ~ 14:00 (每週一公休)
營業電話:(03) 528 - 1979



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen

 (本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


這家位於新竹市北區西大路398號的「周家肉圓」,離新竹城隍廟美食圈與大遠百百貨商圈都不遠,主打肉圓、肉粽、乾麵、花枝羹、魚羹,魚丸湯等等台灣小吃,「周家肉圓」就是一家很典型的家庭型小吃店,店外擺了兩張桌椅,老闆經常坐在外面,走進店內好像走進人家的家中,最內的店家招牌下有神明桌與電視機,從入門右牆懸掛的上巨幅菜單,店內餐點種類與價格一目瞭然! 當天點了一碗「肉圓」(NT$50/一碗2顆)與一碗「魚丸湯」(NT$50/一碗2顆),合計NT$100。

(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen 


(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen


(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen 


(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen(新竹美食)「周家肉圓」(Meatball and fish ball soup), Hsinchu city, Oct 7, 2023, SJKen

營業地址 : 300新竹市北區西大路398號
營業時間:週一到週日 10:00 ~ 22:00
營業電話:(03) 523 - 5700



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

01-409963638_7220402614684148_7775697993255373401_n「車站前大腸蚵仔麵線彰化肉圓」(Oyster Vermicelli and Taiwanese Meatballs, Taiwanese light dishes, by SJKen , Dec 16, 2023)03-409980445_7220405338017209_4737519519623646887_n04-410014141_7220404551350621_8336246388033925810_n

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

這家位於台北市民權西路254號,捷運中和新蘆線「大橋頭」站2號出口附近的小吃店,有個很奇特,讓人一眼看過就難忘的店名 ---「車站前大腸蚵仔麵線彰化肉圓」,車站指的既不是「捷運大橋頭站」,也不是「台北車站」,而是指「樹林火車站」,因為這家擁有20年歷史的老字號,最早的創始店,就開在樹林火車站前,所以才有這樣的名稱。















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「三元號魚翅肉羹與魯肉飯」(Sun-Yuan「三元號魚翅肉羹與魯肉飯」(Sun-Yuan Hou pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce) by SJKen at Taipei, Taiwan on Nov 5, 2023.「三元號魚翅肉羹與魯肉飯」(Sun-Yuan「三元號魚翅肉羹與魯肉飯」(Sun-Yuan

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


位於台北市重慶北路一段、二段、寧夏路、天水路與南京西路多條道路交叉口的建成圓環,建於日據時代的1908年,在1945 ~ 1980年代曾經聚集了許多知名的小吃店家,生意熱鬧滾滾,可惜1993圓環內小吃攤販不慎引發的兩次大火燒毀了圓環屋頂,修復停工期間,台北其他地區的美食集中地紛紛崛起,建成圓環即使於2003年以嶄新的美食館姿態重生,但已失去先機,也喚部會過往流失的客人,最終歸於沉寂,於2017年拆除原建築物,只保留了1943年啟用的防空蓄水池,其他空地改建成公園,而原先曾經在這裡生意做得風生水起的小吃店家紛紛四散,其中幾間老字號的美食小吃店,包括三元號、萬福號、龍緣號與龍凰號等超過一甲子的老店,很有默契地都搬到離建成圓環不遠的重慶北路上,換個地方再戰,除了萬福號賣得餐點比較不同外,其他三家都有類似的傳統美食,包括滷肉飯與肉羹等,上個月初花了兩天的時間造訪這四家老店,除了本篇要介紹的三元號之前吃過外,其他都是第一次品嚐,新鮮感十足,就分成四篇文章,跟大家分享這四家各自獨特的風味。


這篇要介紹的是位於台北市重慶北路二段11號,歷史最悠久,創立於民國9年的三元號,至今已有103年的歷史,一家店能開超過百年,必然有其獨特的經營之道,三元號與龍凰號、龍緣號 都是十分知名深具代表性的北部魯肉飯老店,三元號離建成圓環最近,從小吃攤變成店面,現在的大店面落成的2021年疫情期間,很快地吸引了老饕與老客人的回流,店家百年的美味傳承與待客態度,依然讓人津津樂道,還沒走進店內,在門口張望時,就已經有店員主動靠近打招呼,詢問想外帶還是內用,一說內來客人數安排座位,走進去店內燈火通明,從巨幅燈箱看板的大菜單,到牆壁上木刻的菜單,巧妙穿梭與融合在古老與現代的氛圍中,同時桌面都收拾得十分乾淨,只要客人一起身離開,馬上就有專人前來擦拭收拾,以迎接下一位客人入座,整個服務流程看得出員工都是訓練有素。 




SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless Taiwan traditional light dishes store with Mushroom meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce),Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Nov, 19,2023.(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(NamelessTaiwan traditonal light dishes store with Mushroom meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce),Taipei, Taiwan, by SJKen, Nov 19, 2023.(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


每回有機會搭捷運忠孝新蘆線到北捷大橋頭站,除了會往迪化街、大稻埕慈聖宮廟前與延三夜市覓食外,絕對不會錯過的這家位於台北市大同區民權西路236號的無名台灣傳統小吃店家「肉羹.魯肉飯」,但你經過絕對不會錯過,因為騎樓內的橫式招牌,大大寫著主打的兩道台灣傳統小吃 --- 肉羹與魯肉飯,騎樓柱子上直式招牌寫明了你入內可以嚐到的美食,這家不只是美味好吃,最重要的是很便宜,大稻埕賣肉羹的店家很多,不同味道的好吃都有忠實顧客,而這家無名但有招牌的店家香菇肉羹,真的就是比其他家來的便宜,給的份量又多,讓人吃得津津有味。



(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless


(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless


(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless 


(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless(北捷忠孝新蘆線大橋頭站2號出口旁)無名有招牌的「肉焿 • 魯肉飯」(Nameless 



營業地址 : 103台北市大同區民權西路236號
營業時間 : 週一到週日 08:00 ~ 16:00


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)   


上星期五(2023/07/28)晚上意外發現這家位於台北市松山區興安街172-1號的「強記圓環肉羹」,首訪品嘗了肉羹、滷肉飯、蝦捲與魯油豆腐,一吃就驚艷! 今晚再接再勵二訪,前進這家靠近復興北路與興安街交叉口的「強記圓環肉羹」,這次點了一碗「乾麵」(NT$40/碗)與一碗「排骨酥湯」(NT$50/碗),一樣香濃美味,份量剛好吃飽又不會過撐,而且只要NT$90,兩個銅板價有找,真的很超值! 

Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023. 


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023. 


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.  



營業地址 : 105台北市松山區興安街172-1號

營業電話 : (02) 2718-8719

營業時間 : 週一到週六 11:00 ~ 20:20 (週日休息)




SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    





Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    


這家原本位於台北市萬華區內江街43號的「永富福州魚丸店」,於疫情期間搬遷後重新裝潢,去年10月造訪過一次,隔了快一年,今天中午剛好有機會到西門町,搭乘北捷板南線,從西門站1號出口出站左轉,約莫3 ~4分鐘的腳就能抵達,二訪了這家已搬到內江街47之1號一年多的新店面。 




其實兩家老店生意都很好,但近幾年感覺在國際行銷宣傳上,「西門麵店」更勝一籌,今天經過時,門口人滿為患,而且以觀光客為主,跟以台北本地客為主的「永富福州魚丸店」已經有了客群的區隔,這或許也解釋了掛在門外招牌是「永富福州魚丸店」,但裡面座位上印的是「永富正宗福州魚丸店」還特別推薦了新品「永富滷肉蛋包飯」,下一次找個時間同時吃兩家的「滷肉蛋包飯」,來個生死鬥! 這回還是比照過往了點了我最愛吃的三道小吃,一盤不加沙茶的「沙茶魷魚」(NT$60/盤)、一碗「乾油麵」(NT$40/碗)與一碗「福州魚丸湯」(NT$50/碗),一共NT$150,雖然價錢跟去年一樣並沒調漲,但感覺分量有微幅的縮水,不知道是不是我的錯覺? 接著就來一一跟大家分享食用後的感受。

Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 



Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 




SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022. 



隔了一年半,再次造訪這家位於敦化北路199巷2弄7號的「三商巧福」敦北店,藏身在台北長庚醫院後面巷子內,但來客不少的全台最大牛肉麵連鎖店「三商巧福」,這回在門口看到店家與即將於2023年1月20日在台上映的電影「鱷魚歌王」舉辦聯名促銷活動「城品美食家」,只要在活動期間內(2023/1/6-2023/2/14),購買以下任何一套店家活動指定套餐,店家就送即送「美食刮刮卡」乙張,刮中送《鱷魚歌王》電影周邊、三商巧福美食金等超值優惠 (數量有限,送完為止)





當天點選的是新推出「香滷豬棒腿麵」(單點售價$149/碗),與一盤「燙青菜」(單點售價 NT$40/ 盤),單點兩樣原價是NT$189,組合優惠價是NT$169,接下來就跟大家分享食用後的感受。

「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022. 


「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022.「三商巧福」敦北店---新品上市「香滷豬棒腿麵」(Pork legs noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 6, 2022. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()



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