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(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


這家離東門圓環不遠。距離位於新竹市東區中正路96巷26號的「川六刀削牛肉麵」,主打「刀削木須炒麵」、「牛肉炒麵」、「酸辣湯」、「水餃」、一般大家熟悉的乾湯麵飯(牛肉麵、醡醬麵,大滷麵、雞絲湯麵與牛肉燴飯)與豐富多選的小菜,是間典型的北方麵館,店內裝潢偏向傳統中式餐館, 擺了好多張大圓桌與方桌,顯然目標客群以家庭親子客與上班族為主,店內生意很好。今年二月造訪時是週五晚上店家已打烊,隔天中午再前往點了我很愛的「刀削木須炒麵」(NT$130/盤),與一大盤包括大豆乾、豆皮、滷蛋等的小菜(NT$70/盤),合計NT$200,經濟實惠又美味。

(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen 


(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen 


(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen 

喜歡吃北方麵食的朋友, 逛到新竹東門圓環時, 不妨到這家位於新竹市東區中正路96巷26號的「川六刀削牛肉麵」一嚐為快! 

(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen(新竹東門圓環附近美食)「川六刀削牛肉麵」(Chinese Stir-Fried Mushi with Egg Strips Noodles),Hsinchu city, Feb 5, 2024, SJKen 



營業時間:週一到週日 10:00 ~21:00
電話:(03) 522 - 9393



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)




新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024 

九月上旬週末清晨造訪「榮記客家湯圓」,點了一碗「客家湯圓」 (NT$85/碗)、一碗「乾意麵」 (NT$85/碗)、一盤「粉沯」 (NT$50/盤),與一盤「豆干」(NT$25/盤),合計NT$245,不收一成服務費,因為早上還沒有太多客人,約莫10分鐘店員就親自送上所有的餐點。

首先品嚐的是這盤新竹獨有的小吃「粉沯」 (NT$50/盤),粉沯就是一般人常說的粉腸,但新竹的粉沯與其他縣市的粉腸做法不同,粉沯的傳統作法是將水、糖、樹薯粉拌勻後,再加入醬油及豬瘦肉丁,將餡料灌入豬腸,煮熟後撈起冷卻即完成,佐以醬油膏和嫩薑絲一起享用,入口札實又不失Q彈有咬勁,一整盤吃起來好過癮!

新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024 


新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024 

第三道品嚐的是這碗令人驚豔的「乾意麵」 (NT$85/碗),這應該是我吃過的乾麵中,用料最豐富份量最多的乾麵,細意麵的口感香味四溢,意麵上滿滿軟嫩的長型瘦肉塊,吃起來口感十足,讓人一整個意猶未盡!

新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024 

最後一道送上桌的是這碗熱騰騰的白色小湯圓,加上芹菜、韭菜、芹菜與其他綠葉蔬菜「客家湯圓」 (NT$85/碗),一整碗滿滿的客家小湯圓,沒有包任何內餡,更能吃出店家的揉推的功力,湯圓入口軟嫩Q彈又不黏牙,湯頭鹹味調得恰到好處,一碗喝下滿滿的飽足感!

新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024 


新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024新竹榮記客家湯圓(Sweet dumpling,Hakka food restaurant), Hsinchu city, SJKen , Aug 7, 2024 


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 








老北京炸醬麵館」的內用空間雖然不大,但也努力擺了七張桌椅,造訪當晚全部坐滿了客人,一年多沒來,看了看菜單上的價格,餐點單價又漲了5 ~10元之間,雖然價格愈來愈貴,但只要你有機會前來品嚐,就能感受店內的每一道餐點,都是老闆嚴選真材實料,再加上多年來練就的真功夫,一整個物超所值!

當晚一共點了一碗「紅燒獅子頭乾麵」(NT$130/碗),跟去年8月相比漲了10元、一碗「豆干包湯」(NT$65/碗)漲了5元,與一塊「滷豆腐」(NT$30/塊)同樣也漲了5元,三道餐點一共 NT225,隔了一年多,能夠重溫想念多月的好滋味,真的是很開心。

「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023



「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023


「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023


「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023「老北京雜醬麵館」--- 獅子頭乾麵、豆包干湯與滷豆腐(Port meat ball ,vegetable and fried noodles , Gravy Tofu and Tofu with port meat soup) at Taiwan light dishes store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 4, 2023 


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022. 

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    





「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022. 

「同花順餡餅粥」主打各類麵食、餡餅、牛肉捲餅、小米粥、餃子與酸菜白肉鍋,看完菜單後點了一碗「炸醬麵」(NT$80/碗) 、一盤「蔥油餅」(NT$40/盤) 、一盤「豬肉餡餅」(NT$45/盤)、一碗「番茄湯」(NT$40/碗),另外就是店家一大特色,一盤可以自行選取多種小菜的「綜合小菜盤」(NT$45/盤),一共花了NT$250,吃得十分開心又飽足! 

隔了五年,炸醬麵從NT$70漲到NT$80,蔥油餅從NT$30漲到NT$40,番茄湯從NT$30漲到NT$40,店家真的很佛心,接著就一一跟大家分享這些久違了的北方傳統美食。「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022. 


「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022. 

其次品嚐的手工「蔥油餅」(NT$30/份),一盤切成四大片,餅皮入口軟嫩,跟一般吃到的脆硬迥然不同,採用乾煎的方式,入口也跟傳統油膩的蔥油餅大異其趣! 兼具了美味與健康少油的雙重考量,讓人吃的一整個意猶未盡。

「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.


「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.

第四道品嚐的是黃金12摺皮薄餡多的「豬肉餡餅」(NT$40/個),價格竟然跟五年前一樣完全沒漲價,真的讓人驚喜,但內線一咬開就知道完全沒打折,因為是現點現做,約需等候12 ~15分,端上桌的豬肉餡餅,外皮煎得金黃,飽滿內餡紮實多汁, 第一口咬下時要小心汁液飛濺,吃起來鹹度鮮度都夠,讓人一整個驚豔又開心 !

「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.


「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022. 


「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022.「同花順餡餅粥」炸醬麵番茄湯與綜合小菜(Jajang noodles, Tomato soup and Scallion Pancake), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 21, 2022. 



營業地址: 110台北市信義區忠孝東路五段372巷27弄77之2號

營業時間: 週三到週日 11:30–14:00, 17:00–21:00 (週一到週二休息)

營業電話:(02)8786-0696 / 0922-783-765



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023. 

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    



「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.


「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023.「二馬刀削麵 」木須炒麵 Fried egg noodle store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2023. 


營業電話 : (02)2761- 8799
營業時間:週一到週六 11:00 ~ 14:00/17:00~ 20:30


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


新朋友歡迎加入Potato Media,使用SJKen的推薦碼,成為我的戰友,SJKen的推薦碼:iC5DqULSq  

點擊推薦連結,就可以註冊會員,方便又簡單,雙方都會獲得100積分喔 !!!





(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022. 


(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022. 



(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022. 


(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022. 


(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022.(南港美食)「山東餃子館」(Pork-chives dumpling , Big Braised Noodles store), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 5, 2022. 


營業時間 :
週一到週五 11 : 00 ~ 14: 00/ 17:00 ~ 20:00
週六 11 : 00 ~ 14 : 00( 週日休息)
營業電話 : (02) 2783 - 1876


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 







昨晚一共點了一碗「招牌手工炸醬麵」(NT$80/碗)、一顆「紅燒獅子頭」(NT$60/顆)、一碗「豆干包湯」(NT$60/碗)與一塊「滷豆腐」(NT$25/塊),一共 NT225,雖然價格不便宜,但難得吃上一回,加上都是用料札實的功夫菜,隔了一年多,能夠重溫想念許久的好滋味,真的是很超值的,也感謝老闆夫婦倆努力苦撐至今,我才有機會再吃到這些好餐點。







最後品嚐的是,每回來幾乎必點的「招牌手工炸醬麵」(NT$80/碗), 麵條使用的是特別訂製的手工拉麵,吃起來Q彈而有嚼勁,入口香滑咕溜的口感,在唇邊齒間漂流,店家更在麵條上面,淋上了滿滿的炸醬,炸醬則是嚴選後臀肩瘦肉部位的溫體豬肉,並經過人工一刀刀切成肉丁,口感紮實,然後佐以鮮脆的小黃瓜切絲,口感迷人,不會過鹹的炸醬、小黃瓜絲,跟手工拉麵麵條一起攪拌過後,夏日的清爽與秋天的浪漫,都在口中交融,瀰漫出迷人的經典風韻。




SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.) 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)  


新朋友歡迎加入Potato Media,使用SJKen的推薦碼,成為我的戰友,SJKen的推薦碼:iC5DqULSq 

點擊推薦連結,就可以註冊會員,方便又簡單,雙方都會獲得100積分喔 !!!


隔了四個月,疫情稍微趨緩,上週三(7/20)再次造訪這家位於台北市北投區裕民一路22號,主打水餃、北方麵食(大滷麵、酸辣麵、酢醬麵、榨菜肉絲麵/麵疙瘩)、湯品與小菜的老店的「北方水餃」。店內的裝潢一如往常地收拾得十分乾淨,餐具與調味瓶整齊擺放,我也點了這碗好久沒吃「大滷麵疙瘩」(NT$70/碗),另外還點了一盤小菜(素雞+小豆干 +花干與雞蛋,NT$80/盤),由專門切菜的幫手快速切好,還加了滿滿的青蔥,兩道餐點一共NT$150。

「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)

首先品嚐的是一盤小菜(素雞+小豆干 +花干與雞蛋,NT$80/盤),「北方水餃」家的豆乾、雞蛋與素雞都很有特色,屬於鐵蛋類的製作法,吃起來特別有咬勁,花干則是軟嫩多湯汁,整盤小菜Q彈軟嫩各有滋味,耐咀嚼又有咬勁,吃起來十分過癮!

「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.) 


「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.)「北方水餃大滷麵疙瘩」(Big braised Gnocchi, North dumping & noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jul 20, 2022.) 



營業住址 : 112台北市北投區裕民一路22號
營業時間 : 週一到週六00:00 - 21:30
營業電話 : (02)2825 - 1101

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022. 
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.
「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022. 
「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.
「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.
「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022. 
「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.「江蘇菜盒店」(Fried leek & cabbagedumplings and Tofu roll store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 18, 2022.

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(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
每回經過這家位於台北市中山區慶城街18號Hooters 美式餐廳慶城店門前,由母親林媽媽與兒子阿賢分工合作無間的「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」總是大排長龍,在一整排競爭激烈中西式早餐攤中能脫穎而出,靠的竟然只有兩大招牌餐點小籠包」與蒸餃」著實不容易,因為上班族趕上班,買早餐通常是以快速拿到為優先考量,但「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」賣的不管是小籠包還是蒸餃,就算一次蒸上好多籠,還是跟不上眾多顧客買的速度,一旦賣光下次蒸好,都需要時間等候急,一點都急不得,但還是有那麼多人願意排隊,就表示兩大招牌商品真的都好吃。 
今年一月造訪當天,先到長庚看完病後,回程已經過了上班尖峰期間還是陸續有人在排隊,小籠包1顆7元,一籠 10 顆共NT$70,蒸餃有高麗菜與韭菜兩種口味,1顆6元,一籠 13 顆,一樣賣NT$70,另外還搭配販售洛神花茶、紅茶與咖啡,那天我小籠包與高麗菜蒸餃各買了一籠,一共NT$140,老闆手腳俐落地裝成兩盒,喜歡重口味的朋友,可自行添加白醋、蒜味醬油與辣椒醬。
(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.
(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.,小(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022. 
帶回家後先品嚐了這一盒10顆裝的小籠包(1顆7元,一籠 10 顆共NT$70),小籠包完全是林媽媽每天清晨三、四點起床手工現擀外皮與準備豬肉餡一顆顆包出來的,價格不高個頭不小,光看外觀多摺包法就很吸引人,吃起來更是讓人口口驚艷生香,口感Q彈有咬勁,吃完一整個很有飽足感。
(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.
隔天起床將放在冰箱一夜的高麗菜蒸餃(1顆6元,一籠 13 顆,一樣賣NT$70)放到電鍋加水蒸熟後,起鍋口感完全沒變,跟之前現吃近似,大小就像水餃,皮有點厚度內餡飽實,一口咬下多汁好咀嚼,讓人回味再三。
(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.(慶城街美食)「林媽媽小籠包蒸餃」(pork buns steamed in bamboo steamers &steamed dumpling booth), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 17, 2022.

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「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.
「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022. 
「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.
「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022.「南港老張炭烤燒餅店」(Fried pepper & sesame sweet fried cake ), Taipei,Taiwan,SJKen,Mar 12,2022. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022. 
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)
八德商圈是美食必爭之地,敢在這開店的店家都有好幾把刷子,走進店內,整體的店面不大但收拾得蠻乾淨的,牆上掛有巨幅菜單、以及主打招牌麵食海報,讓人看得垂涎欲滴! 中午點了一碗「綜合大餛飩湯(鮮肉 +鮮蝦+ 菜肉)」(NT$95/碗)、一碗「炸醬麵」(NT$60)與一份小菜「豆干」(NT$30/盒),店內的麵、湯與小菜份量都不大,吃起來恰到好處,吃起來八分飽,不會過飽也不至於挨餓。從麵、湯到小菜,一吃一整個驚豔連連,美妙滋味讓我完全折服! 吃過不同家的大餛飩,吃過之後最推的就是這家「楊記大餛飩」,從外型到內餡都別具特色,好看又好吃。
「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.
「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.
「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「楊記大餛飩光華店」(Large Wonton noodle & soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022. 
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.
「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.「士林夜市大上海生煎包」(Shanghai style fried buns), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 7, 2022.

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021. 
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)
(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.
當晚點了盤10顆的「干貝高麗菜水餃」(NT$100/盤)、一盤10條的「鮮肉韭菜鍋貼」(NT$70/盤)、一碗5顆的「蝦仁雲吞湯」(NT$70/碗)與一盤小菜「滷蛋+ 豆干+ 花生」(NT$40/盤),一共NT$280,首先品嚐的是這盤冰箱自取的,小小一盤份量不多,典型的台北小菜,勝在的當然是口味,花生處理得很乾淨入口清爽,不想冬天吃冷食,所以我全數放入熱湯中燙過後再吃,吃起來特別開胃。 
(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.
(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.
(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.
最後喝上這一碗5顆的「蝦仁雲吞湯」(NT$70/碗),端上桌就被滿滿青菜所吸引,湯內就裝了碩大的蝦仁雲吞,碗不大所以看起來更豐足,青菜入口鮮甜, 雲吞大顆內餡的蝦仁肉軟嫩,三道主食吃下來,發現這家的小吃道道用料紮實不馬虎,獨幟一格的風味讓人吃得餘韻無窮,值得回訪的一家藏身巷弄的好店。
(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.
(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.(通化街美食)「青島海鮮水餃阿欽」(Seafood jiaozi &potsticker store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 31, 2021.  

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)
「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..
當晚點了一碗小碗的「西紅柿蛋麵」(NT$85/碗)與一盤「小菜切盤」(豆干NT$15 + 滷蛋NT$10+ 豆皮NT$15,合計NT$40/盤),總計NT$125,首先品嚐的是這盤「小菜切盤」(NT$40/盤),豆干、豆皮與滷蛋入口都很軟嫩香Q,淋上醬油膏與撒上新鮮的蔥末,一盤擺滿好看又好吃! 
「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022.. 
「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..
「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..「老北投」芝山店(Tomato egg noodle & light dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 13, 2022..

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)  
「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.
「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021. 
「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.
最後品嚐是這盤「肉絲蛋炒飯」(NT$110/盤) ,看團圓美滿的炒飯形狀就讓人眼睛一亮,炒得粒粒分明的米飯,間或著金黃發亮的蛋花與肉絲,還有韭菜,吃起來香氣四溢,口口都是美味。 
「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021.「鼎工坊」(Chinese fried rice , noodle & vegetable soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 20,2021. 
地 址: 105台北市松山區敦化北路155巷11號
營業時間 : 週一到週五 11:30–14:30, 17:00–20:45 週六日休息
電 話:(02)2514-7569

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)


去年11月疫情趨緩後,相隔半年再次造訪這家位於台北市信義區忠孝東路五段141號的「珍品九如湖州粽專賣店」,鄰近台北捷運板南線市府站的知名江浙小吃,店內經營多年,去年也重新裝潢過,整間店變得更時尚,不變的是餐點的美味,還有老闆娘跟員工聊天的大嗓門,是最下飯的絕配。這次造訪除了一如往常點了店內高CP值的「超值套餐」組合,包括一盤「古早味炒飯」 與一碗「鮮肉餛飩湯」(NT$135/套)外,另外加點了一盤「白菜蝦仁年糕」(NT$135/盤),一共NT$270。

珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021. 
珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.  
珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021. 
珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021. 
珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021.珍品九如湖州粽專賣店(Fried rice, shrimp noodle & wonton), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 30, 2021. 
地 址:台北市信義區忠孝東路五段141號
營業時間 : 週日到週五11:00 ~ 21:30 (週六休息)

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.


「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.


「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.

倒是這「蝦仁大餛飩麵」(NT$85/碗) 維持一定的品質水準,蝦仁大餛飩外皮Q軟內餡飽實,吃起來有嚼勁,麵條份量十足,放上紫菜、榨菜條、蛋絲與鮮蔬 湯頭暖而不油,一整碗吃完身心都飽足! 

「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021.「溫州大餛飩台北忠孝店」(Wenzhou Wonton store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 28,2021. 



地 址:110台北市信義區忠孝東路五段43號

電 話: (02)2767-0503

營業時間:週一到週日11:00 ~ 22:00

官 網 : 老虎醬溫州大餛飩

Foodpanda 外帶點餐



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
北投區石牌裕民商圈美食何其多,就算每天從早吃到晚也是吃都吃不完,今天要跟大家介紹的一家位於台北市北投區裕民一路40巷15號,主打木鬚炒麵、麻辣牛肉麵、水餃的「彈牙彈牙麵店」,最有趣的是這家的店招,看半天也不看不出店名叫甚麼,倒是從繞著整家店各種橫招,得知店家的招牌美食包括了彈牙麵條所衍生出的脆麗口水雞麵、牛肉醬拌麵、二合一乾拌麵(炸醬 +麻醬)等等,一進門果然座無虛席,內用外帶的熱鬧滾滾,店門口廚房內的廚師也忙得不可開交,小菜就擺在結帳櫃檯旁,由客人自行取用,點單後交給櫃檯,享用完美食再結帳。
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
趁著中午休息時間結束前衝進去彈牙彈牙麵店享用美食,看完菜單後點了一盤小盤的「木鬚肉絲炒麵」(NT$95/小盤, NT$150/大盤),與「素雞」與「豆干絲兩盤小菜(NT$40/盤),一共NT$175,跟台北市內相比,石牌美食真的是相對平價又份量十足CP超高。 
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
首先品嚐的是「豆干絲」與「素雞兩盤小菜(NT$40/盤), 一樣是NT$40,彈牙彈牙麵店「豆干絲」(NT$40)比台北市的小菜份量多又札實,豆干絲佐以紅蘿蔔絲,入口清爽十分開胃。 
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
接著品嚐的是彈牙彈牙麵店盤小盤的「木鬚肉絲炒麵(NT$95/小盤, NT$150/大盤) ,光是小盤份量就已經很大份量,男生吃也能吃得飽足,喜歡店家自製的粗寬麵入口真的十分彈牙香Q,佐以豬肉、高麗菜、洋蔥、黑木耳、紅蘿蔔、炒蛋與香菜,內容豐盛入口香氣四溢不會太油膩!
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.
「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.「石牌彈牙彈牙麵店 」(fried pork slices with eggs, noodleand fungi, noodle shop), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 7, 2022.  

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「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)




「小樂天餃子館」就在台北東區最熱鬧的地段,微風信義百貨斜對面,離捷運台北市政府站步行只要2分鐘就能抵達,每到用餐尖峰時段,總是座無虛席人聲鼎沸,生意好的不得了! 就算是離峰時段去用餐,隨時都能在店內看到饕客的身影,走進店內牆上高掛著圖文對照的巨幅菜單,方便客人觀看,一見客人入內立刻有店員,熱情上前招呼引導入座,並詢問點餐內容,小菜可以自取,上菜速度很快,讓人吃得到熱騰騰的美食。

「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.

當天點了一碗小碗的「大滷麵」(NT$95/ 碗)、一盤「豬肉凍」(NT$60/盤)與小菜「素雞」一盤(NT$35),合計NT$190,以台北東區熱門地段的租金與地價來看,這樣的餐點定價很可以。  

「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.


「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.


「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.

最後品嚐的是一碗小碗的「大滷麵」(NT$95/ 碗),它的手工拉麵是北方自行擀出的麵條,屬於細版的麵條,跟一班常見的寬版拉麵不同,口感更細緻,大滷麵用料十分豐富,豬肉條、豆腐、黑木耳、紅蘿蔔,加上香濃略帶勾芡的湯頭的湯頭,吃起來口舌生香,身心都得到最好的療癒!

「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021.「小樂天餃子館(忠孝店)」(boiled noodles with fungus, sliced pork & eggs, jellied pork &vegetarians' "chicken"), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021. 



地 址: 110台北市信義區忠孝東路五段151號1樓

電 話: (02)2753-0793


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