
目前分類:2022「花IN台北」台北花季 (11)

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北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)

(本文同步發表於「SJKen的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,旅行體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


拍攝地點 : 台北市北投區大屯里復興三路櫻花隧道
主要花種 : 山櫻、八重櫻、吉野櫻與河津櫻
花開狀況 : 滿開
賞花期間 : 2022年2月中旬到3月上旬




北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)

之後再步行3分鐘到白宮山莊,就是著名櫻花隧道的起點,綿延一百多公尺,兩邊種有包括  山櫻、八重櫻、吉野櫻與河津櫻 ,現在正是滿開春光燦爛的景況非常的美, 右邊設有步道可以就近拍攝,要小心別因為拍照,拍到忘了這裡是上下山車輛通過的交通,特別是周末假日造訪人潮一定更多,千萬別因為賞櫻拍照影響交通,也影響自身安全。

北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)

與白宮山莊隔著復興三路相望的是花開十分燦爛的福德宮,可以先來此參拜,櫻花也可以讓人拍上好一段時間 !

北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)


北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)北投復興三路櫻花隧道(Cherry blossoms at Fusin 3th road, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Mar 3, 2022)


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,旅行體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 




每年一出站都會看到的杜鵑花花海,今年因為開展時間還沒到,所以尚未佈置好,可能這週內開展前會完工,順著左邊前行可看到杜鵑花田,但開的花朵不算多,一路前行走過大安森林公園的草地,左邊是新闢的螢火蟲觀賞區,等到夏天一到就能欣賞,目前去只有多樣化的水生植物,將在下一篇另文介紹,這篇就專注在杜鵑花與洋繡球花海的分享,去之前可以先參看「大安森林公園即時氣象資訊 」事前掌握天氣狀況,別讓大雨掃了出遊賞花的興。



「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.


「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.


「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022. 


「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.


「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.


「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「大安森林公園2022台北杜鵑花季」(Hydrangea & Rhododendron flower exhibition at Da-An forest park), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,旅行體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.

 「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.

櫻花在植物分類上,隸屬於薔薇科 (Rosaceae)梅屬(Prunus),花瓣5枚,雄蕊多數。梅屬的櫻花,全世界大約有200種,主要分布在北半球的溫帶地區,台灣大約有10多種,常見的品種大都是比較能耐高溫的花種,台灣最具代表性也最常見的櫻花是山櫻花(台灣緋寒櫻)緋寒櫻又稱山櫻花、福建山櫻花、山櫻桃、緋櫻,春日造訪陽明山滿山都能看見山櫻花的蹤影,包括有深紅系的霧社種,和粉紅系的竹子湖種;另有重瓣緋寒櫻,為霧社種緋寒櫻之變種,也就是在中正紀念堂看到的品種。 





「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022. 




「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022. 


「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.「中正紀念堂」寒流雨中賞櫻與杜鵑花(Cherry Blossom & Rhododendron at C.K.S. Memorial Hall), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 20, 2022.



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022. 
年假最後一天造訪「陽明山花卉試驗中心」系列第四篇,繼欣賞了鬱金香花海、櫻花、杜鵑花與茶花後,這一篇分享的是風信子與各式各樣的香花,五顏六色多姿多采,讓人意識到春天真的降臨大地了! 從花卉試驗中心左邊新大門進入後,過了鬱金香區後,遠眺杜鵑花巴黎鐵塔區周邊,穿梭在茶花與松樹之間,就陸續看到各種花色的品種,一路沿著中央大道前行,有一特別規劃的香花區,以各種花姿展現在遊客的面前,一整個賞心悅目,讓人看得心花怒放!
「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.
「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.
「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心風信子與香花篇」(Hyacinthus orientalis & other blossoms), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.

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「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.
「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.
「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.
「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.
「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.「陽明山花卉試驗中心茶花與杜鵑花」(Rhododendron &Camila), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Feb 6, 2022.  

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花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022. 
 花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.
花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.
花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022. 
花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022. 
花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.
花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心櫻花篇(2022 Cherry blossoms ), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.

花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.
花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.
花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.花卉試驗中心鬱金香展(2022 Tulid blossoms exhibition), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,Feb 6, 2022.

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,旅行體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


「2022樂活夜櫻季」開展了! 先跟大家拜年,正月初一喜迎春,祝大家虎年福虎生豐,平安健康歡喜開心發財一整年! 除夕年夜飯一吃飽,趁著大家都還在家吃團圓飯看電視,馬上搭乘北捷文湖線,從東湖站3號出站後,順著康寧路三路與東湖路一路前行,約莫十分鐘的腳程,就能抵達樂活公園,往年都是白天造訪,今年疫情緊張,特別利用除夕夜避開人潮前來,策略奏捷運上到樂活公園裡人潮都不多,只有滿天的夜櫻喜迎賓,大家都能保持距離好好賞花開心拍照,度過美好的一晚! 

「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022. 




「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022. 


「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022. 


「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.


「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022. 


「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022. 


「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022.「2022台北東湖樂活夜櫻季」(2022 Taipei Lohas Cherry Blossoms Festival), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 31, 2022. 


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022. 



2022「花IN台北」台北花季系列又來了! 這篇分享的是被媒體喻為「台版富良野」的「北投社三層崎公園」花海,花季從今天(2022年1月20日)起,到3月31日止,展期長達兩個多月,農曆新年全家人可以到訪此地走春討個好兆頭,今年最大的亮點是左邊的花田中,種植了超過1萬6千盆的紫色薰衣草,與右邊翠白光亮的銀葉菊、金黃吉祥的孔雀草,與鮮紅喜氣的四季秋海棠,還有粉紅草花相映成輝,共同打造出春日北投最美的花海,一眼望去數大就是美!

Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.


Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.


Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.




Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022. Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.


Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.


Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022. 

一路往左邊前行,到了中段木棧橋的分段點,往前看就是一整片新種的紫色薰衣草,也就是今年到訪「北投社三層崎公園」花海賞花的最大亮點,超過16000盆的紫色薰衣草還沒完全盛放,但已經很美,等過一段時間再來造訪,景象應該會更迷人! 最左側的木棧橋中間,還設有最佳拍照點,果然站在這裡往左拍攝,一覽無遺的大面積薰衣草花海盡收眼裡,真的讓人心曠神怡!

Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022.Park blossoms at「 北投社三層崎公園」, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 19, 2022. 


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.




成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022. 


成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.


成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022. 


成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.



成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.


成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022. 




成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022.成美左岸河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Cheng-Me riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 11, 2022. 


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延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.




延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.



延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.

 「台北延平河濱公園花海」佔地約 2023 平方公尺,共擺放了7 萬盆由紫、黃、橘、紅、粉、綠色等多種花草顏色組成,根據水利處河管科說明,這次花海以著名的大稻埕情人節煙火為設計構想,運用當季草花鋪排如煙火般的造型,搭配粉紫色系草花為背景,將煙火造型襯托得更顯絢爛耀眼,花期自即日起至 111 年 1 月下旬為最佳觀賞期2022年1月5日傍晚造訪時,有些花已經開始枯萎凋零,想要欣賞這一片沿著河濱築建的美麗花海,行動要快,不然就得等明年囉!  首先映入眼簾的是以紫色為主的花海,就近觀察拍照,發現這紫色還分成了淺紫與深紫色,數大就是美,但一株株仔細看,株其實一樣很漂亮,可說是遠拍近攝兩相宜。

延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.


延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.



延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022. 


延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022.延平河濱公園花海(Flower blossoms of Yan-ping riverbank garden), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 5, 2022. 



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