Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,旅遊體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    


Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.  
(台北輕旅行) 「大佳河濱公園花海半日遊」 --- 30萬盆向日葵、大波斯菊、紫嬌花與太陽麻組成的花海,迎風追拂金光燦爛療癒 (3-1),影片引用自 
Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023. 


Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023. 

(台北輕旅行) 「大佳河濱公園花海半日遊」 --- 30萬盆向日葵、大波斯菊、紫嬌花與太陽麻組成的花海,迎風追拂金光燦爛療癒 (3-2),影片引用自



Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.

Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023.Sea of Sun flowers and Cosmos at Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 9,2023. 


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