The movie poster & stills of "Bad boys for life" will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan. 



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睽違17年,搶在鼠年農歷春節檔期第一波,2020116日在台上映的《絕地戰警For Life》(Bad Boys For Life)由阿迪‧艾爾‧艾比(Adil El Arbi)與比萊爾,法拉(Bilall Fallah)執導威爾史密斯(Will Smith)馬汀勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)三度聯手領銜主演,是《絕地戰警》系列電影第三集,累積25年的好默契,片中兩人一邊辦案一邊對吵幹話連篇,擒兇追捕不手軟,本片大玩新舊世代警探不對盤,與舊愛情仇混搭殺人梗,全片景色宜人風光明媚,跑車、夜總會俊男美女,讓人看得目不暇及,加上辦案警匪對戰動作場面緊湊刺激,上天下海樣樣來,一整個商業娛樂性十足! 非常適合春節假期呼朋引友全家一起開心看個過癮!



“ Bad boys, Bad boys, what you’ve gonna do , when they come back to you?”


凡看過1995年由麥可‧貝(Michael Bay)執導, 威爾史密斯(Will Smith)馬汀勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)領銜主演的動作喜劇電影《絕地戰警》(Bad Boys),以及2003年的《絕地戰警》(Bad Boys)的朋友,對於兩人在片中飾演一對出生入死,立下不少功勞的邁阿密警探伙伴Mike LowreyMarcus Burnett,在片中一起哼唱的這首從來沒唱完過的名曲「Bad Boys」一定耳熟能詳!


當年一片捧紅導演麥可‧貝(Michael Bay),與威爾史密斯(Will Smith)馬汀勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)兩位主角,威爾史密斯(Will Smith)更憑本片晉升好萊塢一線巨星的行列。


1995年《絕地戰警》(Bad Boys) 電影中文預告,影片引用自


2003年電影《絕地戰警2》(Bad Boys II》預告,影片引用自


睽違17年,由阿迪‧艾爾‧艾比(Adil El Arbi)與比萊爾,法拉(Bilall Fallah)雙導演接手,威爾史密斯(Will Smith)馬汀勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)三度聯手,領銜主演的第三集《絕地戰警For Life》(Bad Boys For Life),搶在今年鼠年春節檔期先鋒,選在2020116日在台上映! 是否能憑著當年兩位主角在片中邊查案抓人,邊幹話無極限的超強默契,加上帥勁暢快的刺激動作場面,再突破當年全球創下逾4.14億美元(約新台幣128億元)的傲人票房,大家都在看!


2020.01.16在台上映第三集最新電影版本《絕地戰警For Life》(Bad Boys For Life)中文預告,影片引用自


Sony Picture索尼影業特別選在1/14中午假台北大直美麗華影城,舉辦電影《絕地戰警For Life》(Bad Boys For Life)媒體試片特映會,不僅大手筆地在百貨商場外牆刊登巨幅電影廣告,更在廣場上展示片中兩位主角架駛的藍色保時捷(Porsche),還發揮巧思,贈送所有入場看片的媒體朋友美美的紅包袋,內裝有印上電影海報圖樣的紅包袋與美鈔入場票,滿滿的祝福!

The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot;The porsche demonstration at the plaza of the Shopping mall &amp; the  red couplet with the theme of the new movie launch of &quot; Bad Boys For Life&quot; 

《絕地戰警For Life》(Bad Boys For Life)新片中,迎來威爾史密斯(Will Smith)馬汀勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)三度聯手,兩人年紀雖然大了點,魅力一點都不減,一動一靜默契十足,特別是威爾史密斯(Will Smith),在片中十分敬業,多場戲又跑又跳、槍戰肉搏對打場面,全部親自上陣身手乾淨俐落,讓人看得目不轉睛大呼過癮!


片中包括凡妮莎‧哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens)在內三位女配角,身材火辣身手不凡,不管飾演正反派,在片中都很搶眼,而男配角亞歷山大‧路威(Alexander Ludwig)飾演的電腦高手警探,有胸又有腦,文武皆宜表現可圈可點!


除了兩代新舊演員幹話連篇趣味十足外,全片從美國拍到墨西哥,美妙風景日夜街景盡收眼裡,加上片中美女如雲,穿著時尚火辣,一整個歡樂滿點!喜歡威爾史密斯(Will Smith)馬汀勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)兩人的影迷,千萬別錯個2020年1月16日在台上映的警匪動作喜劇片《絕地戰警For Life》(Bad Boys For Life)!






The movie poster &amp; stills of &quot;Bad boys for life&quot; will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan. The movie poster &amp; stills of &quot;Bad boys for life&quot; will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan.The movie poster &amp; stills of &quot;Bad boys for life&quot; will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan.The movie poster &amp; stills of &quot;Bad boys for life&quot; will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan.The movie poster &amp; stills of &quot;Bad boys for life&quot; will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan.The movie poster &amp; stills of &quot;Bad boys for life&quot; will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan.The movie poster &amp; stills of &quot;Bad boys for life&quot; will be launching on Jan 16, 2020 in Taiwan.


絕地戰警 FOR LIFE       Bad Boys for Life



片  長:2時 3分



監        製:Doug Belgrad, Jerry Bruckheimer & Will Smith

       演:阿迪‧艾爾‧艾比(Adil El Arbi)與比萊爾,法拉(Bilall Fallah)

       劇:Chris Bremner, Peter Craig, Joe Carnahan & George Gallo

演       員:

威爾史密斯(Will Smith)飾演Detective Mike Lowrey

馬丁‧勞倫斯(Martin Lawrence)飾演Detective Marcus Burnett

凡妮莎‧哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens)飾演Kelly

亞歷山大‧路威(Alexander Ludwig)飾演Dorn

Joe Pantoliano飾演Howard警長

Paola Nuñez 飾演Jip

Happy Anderson飾演Jenkins

Emily Towles飾演Hot Miami Model

Melissa Kennemore飾演Major Patel Miami PD

Jennifer Badger飾演Dr. Julie Weber

Bianca Bethune飾演Megan Burnett

Carmel Laniado飾演Lady Rose

Massi Furlan飾演Lee Taglin

Ivo Nandi飾演Carver Remy

音       樂:Lorne Balfe

攝       影:Robrecht Heyvaert

剪       輯:Dan Lebental & Peter McNulty

選       角:Lindsay Graham

藝術指導:Julian Ashby, Jordan Crockett, Heather R. Dumas, Alan Hook & Alex McCarroll

製作設計:Jon Billington

美術設計:Lori Mazuer, Daniela Rojas

服裝設計:Dayna Pink

化       裝:Pierce Austin, Nikki Bell, Bridgit Crider, Nancy Cummings, Fionagh Cush, De’sha Hayes, Natalie Johnson, Kimberly Jones, Erica Kyker, Hagen Linss, Arlene Martin, Tracey Moss, Judy Murdock, Victor Paz, Aex Renny, Ren Rohling, Mollie Siegel, Gabriael Solana, Shunika Terry, Ariane Turner & Todd Watson

製作公司:Columbia Pictures, 2.0 Entertainment, Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films & Overbrook Entertainment

台灣發行:Sony Pictures 索尼影業

FB粉絲頁:Sony Pictures 索尼影業  


一、本文中介紹的電影海報與劇照係引用Sony Pictures 索尼影業FB劇照(,圖片僅作為推薦好電影之目的,無任何商業利益之考量。

二、本文介紹的電影相關影片,無任何商業利益考量,是引用自Youtube(,版權歸屬Sony Pictures 索尼影業與各相關電影製作公司所有。 


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