The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022. 







還有這篇要跟大家分享的主角 --- 「穗花棋盤腳」,她還有著更雅致的別名 「玉蕊」與「水茄苳」。 


拍攝地區 : 台北市南港區
拍攝日期 : 2022年6月12與18日清晨
拍攝地點 : 台北市南港區極限運動訓練中心旁
拍攝花名 : 穗花棋盤腳



六月天進入盛夏,週日清晨六點出外運動,一路漫行逛到了南港捷運站2號出口旁,忠孝東路七段382號的「台北市極限運動訓練中心」,意外在中心旁的小河邊發現這棵一夜之間花開花落,可說是夏日限定的濕地植物「穗花棋盤腳」(Powderpuff Tree),被它粉紅獨特的花瓣所吸引,停下了腳步駐足觀賞,看到她時除了還懸掛在樹上迎風搖曳的粉白相間的美麗花影,格外令人驚艷。

The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 12, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.

根據台灣景觀植物網頁介紹,「穗花棋盤腳」(Powderpuff Tree)的樹,它的學名Barringtonia racemosa,又稱為「玉蕊」與「水茄苳」它的粉白色花瓣十分醒目吸睛。




The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022. 

「穗花棋盤腳」(Powderpuff Tree)天然分枝少,通常不須進行修剪。葉片易受毛蟲危害,這點從野生的樹上也可看出。互生橢圓形葉片有鋸齒,葉片常叢生於枝頂,總狀花序自枝端或老枝長出,花序下垂,長度可達1公尺以上。披針形白色花瓣4枚。雄蕊白色或粉紅色,雌蕊桃紅色,花朵造型優美有清香,果實纖維質,能漂浮於水上,借由海潮傳播。也因為「穗花棋盤腳」(Powderpuff Tree)適合作為庭園樹與行道樹使用,尤其在夜晚活動頻繁的地點如市區廣場、公園等位置種植,更能凸顯夜晚開花的特色。 

The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.  

「穗花棋盤腳」(Powderpuff Tree)隨著風一吹,也有不少花朵飄落在小徑角落,彷彿是三月櫻花雨再現。 

The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022. 


The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022.The beautiful blossoms of powerpuff tree at Taipei Eextreme sports and training center, Nangang district, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jun 18, 2022. 



營業時間:週一到週日 08:00 ~ 22:00
FB粉絲頁 : 台北市極限運動訓練中心



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