



一切都會變好... 真的嗎?

一段發生義大利 Covid 19 疫情肆虐,鎖國封城的管風琴教堂裡,交錯著仗勢欺人、冷漠壓迫、再現華麗琴音,暗中偷盜教堂金器、懸疑謀殺,到激情愛戀的詭譎人性愛慾輾轉。


2023年8月25日在台上映的義大利電影《絕美波麗露》(The Grand Bolero),是以拍攝短片、音樂MV與商業廣告起家,年僅27歲的義大利新銳導演嘉布里埃·法布羅 (Gabriele Fabbro)的第一影劇情長片作品,選在2020年義大利新冠肺炎 Covid-19 疫情封鎖期間,在義大利最先染疫的地點洛迪醫院的教堂實地拍攝進行拍攝,本身就是一項極具冒險的挑戰!

全片由《燦爛時光》(La meglio gioventù)《Musica per i Miei Occhi 》影后莉迪亞 ‧ 維塔(Lidia Vitale) 、露多維察 ‧ 曼奇妮(Ludovica Mancini)、馬塞洛·馬里亞尼(Marcello Mariani)與菲利浦 ‧ 普郎迪(Filippo Prandi) 領銜主演。

故事以一座古老的管風琴教堂與周邊的山林為主要場景,在新冠疫情全國封鎖期間,教堂被迫關門,在萬籟俱寂清貧窮苦的歲月中,一位脾氣暴躁出言凶狠,外表看似冷漠的中年管風琴修復師羅克珊 (Roxanne,由莉迪亞·維塔 Lidia Vitale飾演),與前來寄宿學習的20 歲啞女學徒助理露西亞 (Lucia,由露多維察 ‧ 曼奇妮Ludovica Mancini) 之間,卻發生一段不為人知的激情愛戀。

從初見面時的冷漠對立敵視壓迫,到藉由教導學習修復鎮堂之寶--- 巨大管風琴的調音過程中,助理的絕對音感優越表現,也讓原本寂靜死絕的教堂中,再次響起了氣勢雄偉華麗壯闊莊嚴的管風琴樂聲,兩人的默契情感,也從當初的疏離拉扯,逐漸發展成一段暗夜慾火,但也因為這段不容於宗教與世俗狂戀的心緒轉折,由愛生恨,由妒忌到憤怒,引爆出山林之間的謀殺案,讓人看得怵目驚心!


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

The Movie posters and stills of Japanese Movie "2023年8月18日在台上映日本電影《呼叫愛美子》( こちらあみ子/Amiko) will be launching in Taiwan from Aug 18 onwards. 






🍀 2023 台北電影節 國際新導演競賽 台灣影評人協會推薦獎
🐞 2023 鹿特丹影展
🍀 2023 富川國際奇幻影展
🐞 第27回 新藤兼人獎 金獎
🍀 第14回 TAMA映画賞 最佳新進導演
🐞 2023 電影旬報 十佳影片 - 第四名
🍀 第77回 每日電影獎 最佳配樂「こちらあみ子」、最佳新演員「大澤一菜」提名
🐞 日本民謠歌手「青葉市子」配樂擔當,片尾曲「 もしもし」


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Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)   


上星期五(2023/07/28)晚上意外發現這家位於台北市松山區興安街172-1號的「強記圓環肉羹」,首訪品嘗了肉羹、滷肉飯、蝦捲與魯油豆腐,一吃就驚艷! 今晚再接再勵二訪,前進這家靠近復興北路與興安街交叉口的「強記圓環肉羹」,這次點了一碗「乾麵」(NT$40/碗)與一碗「排骨酥湯」(NT$50/碗),一樣香濃美味,份量剛好吃飽又不會過撐,而且只要NT$90,兩個銅板價有找,真的很超值! 

Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023. 


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023. 


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.  



營業地址 : 105台北市松山區興安街172-1號

營業電話 : (02) 2718-8719

營業時間 : 週一到週六 11:00 ~ 20:20 (週日休息)




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Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)   


上週六清晨在這家位於台北市中正區忠孝東路二段116號的「麥味登北市新生店」店內享受了美味的早餐後,隔天週日清晨則立刻前往二訪,並外帶了一份「起司雙重奏握蛋捲餅」(NT$60/卷,熱量369大卡)與一份「燻雞握蛋捲餅」( NT$60/卷,熱量232大卡),一共NT$120,接下來就來跟大家分享實際享用後的感受。

Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023. 


Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.

首先接著品嚐的是這份「燻雞握蛋捲餅」( NT$60/卷,熱量232大卡),內餡可以吃到真材實料的燻雞肉塊,與外層的蛋餅皮,竟然意外地相襯,加上比一般早餐店的蛋餅來得厚實又長,吃完一整個很有飽足感。

Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023. 


Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅" on July 31, 2023.




營業地址 : 100台北市中正區忠孝東路二段116號

營業電話 : (02) 2391-9493

營業時間 : 週一到週五 07:00 ~ 15: 00/週六到週日07:30 ~ 15:00

店內點餐請參考 精選菜單 




SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    


明天即將邁入八月,專屬華人特有農曆七月鬼月,即將於2023年8月16日恐怖開展,而農曆七夕中國情人節,牛郎與織女一年一度的鵲橋相會也即將於2023年8月22日(農曆七夕)浪漫登場,而不管是鬼月還是七夕情人節,都逃不過商業行銷的魔掌,早在七月中旬,就能在賣場看到相關的應景商品,這篇就要跟大家分享上星期在全聯購物時,在賣場看見We Sweet 推出以麻糬為主食材,搭配黑巧克力、紅豆、可可粉等元素製成的「七夕麻糬祭」系列商品,包括了「愛情麻糬」(NT$39/2入)、「和風牡丹餅」(NT$39/2入),與「麻糬四重心」(NT$45/4入),一共NT$123,三樣甜品賣相精彩,吃巧也吃飽,價格又很平實,當然全數買回家開箱!

We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023. 


We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.


We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023. 


We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.

We Sweet 與全聯合作「七夕麻糬祭」推出的系列商品,包括了「愛情麻糬」(NT$39/2入)、「和風牡丹餅」(NT$39/2入),與「麻糬四重心」(NT$45/4入)外觀吸引人,吃起來口感也不錯,今年七夕情人節即將到來,買來送給心愛的另一半,真是平價美味又應景! 


We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023.We Sweet Mochi desserts (全聯七夕甜品麻糬祭 --- We Sweet 愛情麻糬、和風牡丹餅與麻糬四重心)for Chinese Valentine's Day on Aug 22, 2023 at PX Mart, July 25, 2023. 


營業地址 : 115台北市南港區南港路二段20巷5號B1
營業電話 : (02) 2651-0286
營業時間 : 週一到週日 08:00 ~23: 00


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Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶" 

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    


杜蘇芮颱風過後的第一個週末,昨天清晨起個大早,再訪華山1914文創園區大小荷花池賞荷後,心滿意足地拍到了想拍的花景後,回程就近選在這家位於台北市中正區忠孝東路二段116號,品牌定位主打Cafe & Brunch,創立於西元1987年的「麥味登」北市新生店門市享用早餐。


這家隸屬超秦集團的揚秦國際企業股份有限公司,旗下擁有「麥味登」、「炸鷄大獅」及「REAL 真‧Café‧Bread」等三大連鎖餐飲事業,是完全本土企業,從立足台灣到「精耕台灣、迎向全球」,2014年起更開始展開國際化佈局,目前在全台、大中華市場、印尼、菲律賓、柬埔寨、新加坡與馬來西亞皆有門市。

「麥味登」三個字,取自於品牌英文名稱 " My Warm Life "三個字首 "M" 、"W"與" L"的中文諧音,意蘊著「溫暖每一天」的涵義,如果以「麥味登」的台語讀音,更有「賣袂斷」的好意兆,這是本土企業常有的創意運用,是典型只有台灣人才懂得的中式或台式英文。

麥味登的Slogan是一句 "My Warm Day Warm My Day" ,其實就是想表達「麥味登溫暖我的每一天」的中文,只是翻成了英文,對英語是母語的消費者,可能完全無法理解箇中的巧思與趣味。



店內空間收拾得十分乾淨,一進門右手邊是點餐櫃檯,包括明亮的主打餐點燈箱與精美印製的早餐與午晚餐菜單,還有全天候都可以點的菜單,可參考官網相關網頁 ,在點餐櫃檯點完餐結帳後,店員會給內用的客人一個響鈴,餐點醫好,客人就會收到通知,自行到櫃檯取餐。

Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶" 


Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶" 


Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶"Muffin burger with fish steak and fried egg and Ceylon black tea at Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 原塊魚排滿分堡與錫蘭紅茶" 



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Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    





Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023.Pork meat soup and Braised Rice with Pork and Soy Sauce Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 28, 2023. 


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The Movie posters and stills of UK Movie "《一個人的朝聖》( The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry) will be launching from Aug 4, 2023 onwards in Taiwan.




預定2023年8月4日在台上映的英國電影《一個人的朝聖》( The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry),由《愈愛愈美麗 》海蒂 ‧ 麥克唐納(Hettie Macdonald)執導,2001年憑藉著電影《特工IRIS》中的配角約翰 · 貝利一角的精湛演技,拿下美國奧斯卡金像獎影帝桂冠的英國資深男星吉姆 ‧ 布洛班特(Jim Broadbent) 因在BBC情、《唐頓莊園》中飾演理查德·布萊爾斯(Richard Briers)而為人熟知的英國女演員潘妮洛普 ‧ 威爾頓(Penelope Wilton)與以電視影集維多利亞·伍德(Victoria Wood)的晚宴女士一角,受到大眾歡迎的英國女演員琳達 ‧ 貝賽(Linda Bassett)領銜主演,三人加起來的年齡高達220歲,展現了資深演員老而彌堅演,經過人生淬鍊後,紮實又意蘊深遠的演技實力功底。 



英國電影《一個人的朝聖》( The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry)故事描述一位痛失愛子,與妻子婚姻早已名存實亡搖搖欲墜,自認一生一事無成的平凡老人,在遲暮之年,收到一封失聯多年前職場同事的信,告知罹癌即將離世的噩耗,他在猶豫如何回覆的過程中,因為聽進了加油站附屬雜貨店女店員的一段話,做出了獨自離家橫跨英格蘭,走路500英里的探望決定,只為了救助遠方罹癌在安寧療養院的老友,給予她勇敢抗癌與活下去的信心。




本片不僅是繼《白日夢冒險王》《一路玩到掛》後,又一部感動人心,關於人生信念的奏鳴曲,隨著故事劇情的反轉,讓人看見了更勝一籌的議題探討廣度與深度,非常值得處在不同人生階段的觀眾,鎖定這部即將在2023年8月4日 父親節檔期在台上映的《一個人的朝聖》( The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry),進戲院影城細細去感受,絕對獲益良多。 


預定2023年8月4日在台上映英國電影《一個人的朝聖》( The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry)中文預告,影片引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd6sCy4WkJE&t=147s 



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Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    


這家原本位於台北市萬華區內江街43號的「永富福州魚丸店」,於疫情期間搬遷後重新裝潢,去年10月造訪過一次,隔了快一年,今天中午剛好有機會到西門町,搭乘北捷板南線,從西門站1號出口出站左轉,約莫3 ~4分鐘的腳就能抵達,二訪了這家已搬到內江街47之1號一年多的新店面。 




其實兩家老店生意都很好,但近幾年感覺在國際行銷宣傳上,「西門麵店」更勝一籌,今天經過時,門口人滿為患,而且以觀光客為主,跟以台北本地客為主的「永富福州魚丸店」已經有了客群的區隔,這或許也解釋了掛在門外招牌是「永富福州魚丸店」,但裡面座位上印的是「永富正宗福州魚丸店」還特別推薦了新品「永富滷肉蛋包飯」,下一次找個時間同時吃兩家的「滷肉蛋包飯」,來個生死鬥! 這回還是比照過往了點了我最愛吃的三道小吃,一盤不加沙茶的「沙茶魷魚」(NT$60/盤)、一碗「乾油麵」(NT$40/碗)與一碗「福州魚丸湯」(NT$50/碗),一共NT$150,雖然價錢跟去年一樣並沒調漲,但感覺分量有微幅的縮水,不知道是不是我的錯覺? 接著就來一一跟大家分享食用後的感受。

Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 



Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 




SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

The Movie posters and stills of French Movie 法國電影《我們的最強暑假》( Les vacances du petit Nicolas/Nicholas on Holiday) will be launching in Taiwan from July 28, 2023 onwards. 




預定2023年7月28日在台上映,充滿童心歡樂的法國電影《我們的最強暑假》( Les vacances du petit Nicolas/Nicholas on Holiday),改編自勒內·戈西尼(René Goscinny)和讓-雅克·桑貝(Jean-Jacques Sempé)一寫一畫的系列漫畫「小淘氣尼古拉」(Le petit Nicolas)「小淘氣尼古拉」(Le petit Nicolas)最初發表在波爾多的《西南周日報》專欄裡,1959年由德諾埃出版社(Denoël)在雜誌《飛行員》上連載,並陸續改編成真人電影、電視動畫。


電影《我們的最強暑假》( Les vacances du petit Nicolas/Nicholas on Holiday)由導演羅倫 ‧ 泰拉德(Laurent Tirard)於2014年執導喜劇片,當年在法國一上映,便刷新法國票房550萬票房人次,瘋狂票房的紀錄,除了改編自漫畫外,導演羅倫 ‧ 泰拉德(Laurent Tirard)藉由本片向法國默片喜劇大師賈克·塔蒂(Jacques Tati)主演並執導的1953年法國喜劇電影《于洛先生的假期》(Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot)致敬。

1953年法國喜劇電影《于洛先生的假期》(Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot)預告,引用自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL9ffl37-kc


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