)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)

這家位於台北市民權西路254號,捷運中和新蘆線「大橋頭」站2號出口附近一家30年老字號的小吃店, 因為創始店就開在樹林火車站前面,所以舊名為「車站前麵線肉圓」,2024年8月10日重新擴大營業, 不再讓客人只能在騎樓擺桌用餐,而是提供了冷氣的內用空間,用餐更加舒適,正式改名為「紅鬍子傳統美食」。專賣大腸/蚵仔麵線、彰化肉圓、魯肉飯等台灣傳統小吃。


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 



)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 


)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024.)「紅鬍子傳統美食」(Oyster and Large intestine  noodle and Taiwanese Meatball) at Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen , Sep 21, 2024. 


營業地址 : 103台北市大同區民權西路254號
營業電話 : 0938-367-838
營業時間 : 週一到週日 05:00 ~ 19:00
FB粉絲頁 : 紅鬍子傳統美食
IG : 紅鬍子傳統美食


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