The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


不管你是喜歡吃手工香酥蔥油餅、蛋餅、紅豆酥餅、芋頭酥餅、起司餅、捲餅、韮菜盒子,還是手工海鮮拉麵、酸辣麵、紅燒牛肉麵、水餃等手工傳統美食,現在到這家位於台北市松山區長春路498之1號的「陸家班特色排隊美食」長春店,吃巧吃飽一次滿足你的美味需求,店家提供「陸家班LINE@線上訂餐系統」,可以線上先訂購,約定時間到店取餐,就不必苦等;當然沒時間到店取餐的朋友,也可透過「UberEat 線上訂購與「Foodpanda 熊貓外送線上訂購  」兩大外送平台的服務,在家或在辦公室輕鬆享用。

 The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.


The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.

在店門口可以清楚看到廚房裡店員製作與包裝美食的過程,店員動作迅速,包裝用盒與紙袋也注重環保,讓人更加安心! 店內用餐空間不大,燈光明亮收拾得蠻乾淨的,如果是用餐高峰時間,應該一下子就客滿了。

The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.


The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.


The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.


The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.

接著品嚐這份起司口味的「蔥油餅」(NT$120/份),手桿煎成金黃酥脆的蔥油餅皮, 搭配香濃起司穿插其間,兩種不同的風味在喉間交融,讓人愈咀嚼愈有韻味,喜歡吃這些特色手工古早味美食的朋友,只要線上訂購,或請外送服務,就能不用苦等,輕鬆吃到美食!

The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.The scallion pancakes store "陸家班三星蔥油餅"  at Taipei, Taiwan,Oct 23,2020, SJKen.



住       址: 台北市松山區長春路498之1號

營業時間 : 週一 - 週日上午12:00 - 下午11:59
電 話:  0928-692-916/0907-107-738
UberEat 線上訂購


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