Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)   


上週六清晨在這家位於台北市中正區忠孝東路二段116號的「麥味登北市新生店」店內享受了美味的早餐後,隔天週日清晨則立刻前往二訪,並外帶了一份「起司雙重奏握蛋捲餅」(NT$60/卷,熱量369大卡)與一份「燻雞握蛋捲餅」( NT$60/卷,熱量232大卡),一共NT$120,接下來就來跟大家分享實際享用後的感受。

Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023. 


Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.

首先接著品嚐的是這份「燻雞握蛋捲餅」( NT$60/卷,熱量232大卡),內餡可以吃到真材實料的燻雞肉塊,與外層的蛋餅皮,竟然意外地相襯,加上比一般早餐店的蛋餅來得厚實又長,吃完一整個很有飽足感。

Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023. 


Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.Cheese and smoked chicken egg burritos MWD  Taiwan fastfood store " 麥味登北市新生店 --- 起司雙重奏與燻雞握蛋捲餅"  on July 31, 2023.




營業地址 : 100台北市中正區忠孝東路二段116號

營業電話 : (02) 2391-9493

營業時間 : 週一到週五 07:00 ~ 15: 00/週六到週日07:30 ~ 15:00

店內點餐請參考 精選菜單 



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    SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評‧美食‧旅行與創作生活手記)

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