Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)   


上星期五(2023/07/28)晚上意外發現這家位於台北市松山區興安街172-1號的「強記圓環肉羹」,首訪品嘗了肉羹、滷肉飯、蝦捲與魯油豆腐,一吃就驚艷! 今晚再接再勵二訪,前進這家靠近復興北路與興安街交叉口的「強記圓環肉羹」,這次點了一碗「乾麵」(NT$40/碗)與一碗「排骨酥湯」(NT$50/碗),一樣香濃美味,份量剛好吃飽又不會過撐,而且只要NT$90,兩個銅板價有找,真的很超值! 

Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023. 


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023. 


Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.Dry noodle with braised pork sauce and Pork Rib Crispy Soup of Taiwan light dishes store "興安街強記圓環肉羹" at Taipei, Taiwan on Jul 31, 2023.  



營業地址 : 105台北市松山區興安街172-1號

營業電話 : (02) 2718-8719

營業時間 : 週一到週六 11:00 ~ 20:20 (週日休息)



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    SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評‧美食‧旅行與創作生活手記)

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