Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,美食體驗是版主食用後個人主觀感受,口感因人而異不具任何商業促銷意圖。)    


這家原本位於台北市萬華區內江街43號的「永富福州魚丸店」,於疫情期間搬遷後重新裝潢,去年10月造訪過一次,隔了快一年,今天中午剛好有機會到西門町,搭乘北捷板南線,從西門站1號出口出站左轉,約莫3 ~4分鐘的腳就能抵達,二訪了這家已搬到內江街47之1號一年多的新店面。 




其實兩家老店生意都很好,但近幾年感覺在國際行銷宣傳上,「西門麵店」更勝一籌,今天經過時,門口人滿為患,而且以觀光客為主,跟以台北本地客為主的「永富福州魚丸店」已經有了客群的區隔,這或許也解釋了掛在門外招牌是「永富福州魚丸店」,但裡面座位上印的是「永富正宗福州魚丸店」還特別推薦了新品「永富滷肉蛋包飯」,下一次找個時間同時吃兩家的「滷肉蛋包飯」,來個生死鬥! 這回還是比照過往了點了我最愛吃的三道小吃,一盤不加沙茶的「沙茶魷魚」(NT$60/盤)、一碗「乾油麵」(NT$40/碗)與一碗「福州魚丸湯」(NT$50/碗),一共NT$150,雖然價錢跟去年一樣並沒調漲,但感覺分量有微幅的縮水,不知道是不是我的錯覺? 接著就來一一跟大家分享食用後的感受。

Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 



Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 


Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」Revisit of the old fishball noodle store with new decoration at Xinmen Ding, Taipei on  July 28,2023,二訪「永富福州魚丸店」 


營業地址 : 108台北市萬華區內江街47之1號
營業電話 : (02) 2331-3654,(02)2389-2486
營業時間 : 週一到週日 08:30 ~ 21:30 



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