
目前分類:台灣小吃 (224)

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「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)
在美食社團中看到有人介紹這家位於台北市北投區中央北路二段107號的「水某小卷米粉」,聽說每天11點一開店,兩小時就賣光光的台南特色小吃,喜歡吃小卷的我當然不能錯過這一嚐在地人才知道的美食小吃。週六春節連假第一天,搭乘捷運淡水信義線,從北投站1號出口後左轉,順著北投路二段一路直行,到了大業路口左轉過馬路,順著豐年路二段前行道113巷,右轉走入巷內到中央北路二段口左轉就抵達,整個行程約莫15 分鐘。 
「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,
「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,
「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, 
「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, 
「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,「水某小卷米粉」( NeriticSquid rice noodle store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen,

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)  
「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022. 
「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.
「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.
最後品嚐的就是這一碗店內招牌「鯕魚米粉湯」(NT$40/),還沒喝一靠近就聞到一股特殊的香氣,詢問老闆娘香氣的來源魚肉本身的香氣,米粉口感也很特別,不是一般常見的新竹米粉,吃起來更細緻,老闆娘說還有加了紅蔥頭, 整碗「鯕魚米粉湯」吃起來又香又Q,有點飽足感又不會太撐,一碗只要NT$40平價又美味CP值蠻高的。 
「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022. 
「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022.「香佳鯕魚米粉湯」(Swordfish rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 23, 2022. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)


去年12月中旬,台北補辦年初因疫情延後的2021台北燈節活動,搭乘北捷板南線,在龍山寺站出站後,從龍山寺繞了一大圈逛完了台北燈節後,前進這家位於台北市萬華區廣州街165號的「川業艋舺百年新竹肉圓 」,原店名是萬華新竹肉圓廣州街老店,店內提供包括新竹肉圓(蒸/炸)、滷肉飯、乾意麵(油麵),各類湯與羹湯,與多款小菜,餐點選項豐富道道美味,賞花燈的人潮將整家店擠得滿滿的,要先填單領號碼條排隊,店家等店內有空位才叫號,讓客人進入用餐,在地人大都選擇外帶,避開與進入店內用餐的外來遊客人擠人。



「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.


「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.


 「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.


「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.


「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021.「川業艋舺新竹肉圓」(Fried pork meat ball, dry noodle &seafood soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 17, 2021. 

地 址:108台北市萬華區廣州街165號

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen 的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖)
第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.
第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.
第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.
第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.
第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.
最後很推的這一碗小碗的「福州乾麵」(NT$45/小碗,NT$65/大碗),小碗的麵條份量就不少,上面擺滿豆芽菜,再撒上滿滿的滷肉,看得人食指大動,攪拌過後一整個好好吃!第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.
第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021.第一劇場魚丸店(伊通店)(Dry noodle, fried shrimp roll &fish ball soup store), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 2, 2021. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
北投市場美食臥虎藏龍,市場內外與周邊都有在地人從小吃到大的古早味老店,今天跟大家分享逛北投市場絕對不能錯過的一家古早味,位於台北市北投區新市街47號的「簡記排骨酥麵」 ,週三到週一每天07:00 ~ 19:30 營業,但可別傻傻地以為晚上七點去還吃得到,第一次週日晚上5點半造訪就已經賣光光,可見有多搶手!
第二次挑了中午尖峰時間前到訪簡記排骨酥麵,順利搶到最後倒數兩席空位,當天點了一碗小碗「乾米粉」(NT$35/小碗)、「排骨湯」(NT$50/碗)與一盤「嘴邊肉」(NT# 60 /盤),一共NT$145,蒸到香甜酥軟的排骨酥湯,團圓飽滿淋上紅醬的乾米粉與軟嫩的嘴邊肉,道道都是古早味!
「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.
首先品嚐的是一盤簡記排骨酥麵」的「嘴邊肉」(NT# 60 /盤),從來沒吃過處理得這麼乾淨完全無骨頭的嘴邊肉,入口十分軟嫩,佐以新鮮的薑絲與紅醬,就是一道活色生香的開胃小菜! 「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.「簡記排骨酥麵」(Short Rib Crisp soup & rice noodle soup), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 12, 2022.

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022) 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)


北投小吃遠近馳名,其中肉羹更是當地引以為傲的小吃,除了大家耳熟能詳的文吉、漢來與上全三大招牌肉羹外,還可在北投市場周邊找到新的肉羹店,其中這家源自於創立於民國50年代,傳承一甲子的「三重手工現做赤肉羹」的北投中央連鎖分店,位於台北市北投區中央南路一段25巷21號 的中央現做赤肉焿」,官網正式名稱是「三重現做赤肉焿家族 -北投中央店」,就開在北投市場斜對面小巷內,店面不大收拾得十分乾淨,餐點從招牌赤肉羹(麵、米粉)、滷肉飯、乾烏龍麵、綠豆芽到小菜,單價都很便宜,是一家隱身在巷弄內,標準的銅板美食。 

(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)

桌上擺放了黑醋,以及台北難得一見來自台中的知名辣椒醬「東泉辣椒醬」,因為我個人不吃辣,所以小加幾滴黑醋,的確在提味上有加到分,當天點選了一碗的「赤肉羹湯」(NT$45/碗)、一碗乾麵(NT$35/碗),與盤小菜「油豆腐 + 滷蛋(NT$30/盤),一共NT$110,CP值真的超高。  

(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022) 


(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)

接著是這一盤小菜「油豆腐 + 滷蛋(NT$30/盤),四塊油豆腐汁多入口軟嫩,滷蛋好大一顆入口香熟好咀嚼。 

(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)


(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)(北投美食)「中央現做赤肉羹」(Pork meat soup store, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Jan 8, 2022)



中央現做赤肉羹/三重現做赤肉焿家族 -北投中央店(北投市場斜對面小巷內)

地 址:112台北市北投區中央南路一段25巷21號

營業時間:週一到週日09:00 ~ 19:00

FB粉絲頁 : 中央現做赤肉羹

外送點餐 : Uber Eat


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021) 
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
當晚我點了一碗小碗的「林記香菇肉羹」(NT$50/小碗,NT$70/大碗)、一盤「燙青菜」(NT$30),與一盤魯蛋與油豆腐組合的小菜(魯蛋NT$10 + 油豆腐NT$25,一共NT$35),一共NT$115,就吃得很飽足。
「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021) 
「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)
接著品嚐這盤魯蛋與油豆腐組合的小菜(魯蛋NT$10 + 油豆腐NT$25,一共NT$35),魯蛋頭好壯壯渾圓飽滿,一口咬下香氣四溢,油豆腐外皮包裹著軟嫩的內裡,撒上醬油膏與蔥末,一整個很好吃! 
「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)
「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021)「林記香菇肉羹」(Mushroom Meat Soup Taiwan dishes store), New Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 21, 2021) 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022. 
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
大家 2022年元旦快樂!
元旦下午去北投泡湯後,晚上捷運淡水信義線,從石牌站1號出口出站後,順著石牌路執行,到裕民二路右轉,約莫步行7分鐘就來到美食雲集的石牌裕民商圈,這回造訪了位於台北市北投區裕民二路4號1樓 ,許久沒吃的「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店),點了一盤「 蝦捲飯」(NT$90),一碗 「蝦仁羹」(NT$45)與「滷鴨蛋」(NT$15),一共NT$150,全都是我每回來必點的招牌美食,部分餐點價格小漲,沒漲的份量就縮水,新的一年從吃巧不吃飽開始。
「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.
「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.
接著品嚐的是這碗的 「蝦仁羹」(NT$45/碗),一碗中盛裝了五塊蝦仁羹,搭配蛋花、香菜跟稍稍勾芡,蝦仁羹入口軟嫩,湯頭清鮮香,冬夜裡喝上一碗身心都暖和了起來。  
「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.
最後品嚐的是第一次點的「 蝦捲飯」(NT$90/盤),之前都是單點一盤蝦捲與一碗滷肉飯,這回就融合兩者的優點,再加上白飯、豆干、高麗菜與玉米粒,一整盤繽紛多彩,光看就賞心悅目十分開胃,吃完上層豐富的食材後,底下的白米飯上淋上了香氣四溢的滷肉,跟米飯一起攪拌後入口香Q軟嫩,吃得心滿意足好過癮!
「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.
下回有機會造訪石牌裕民商圈,記得空著肚子去,當地的美食絕對讓你填飽飽,當然別錯過這家在地傳統台灣小吃「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店),經典的美味讓人百吃不膩。「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022.「金仙魚丸店」(石牌店) (Braised Duck Egg, Shrimp Roll Rice & Shrimp soup, Taiwanese dishes store), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan 1, 2022. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021. 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 



二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.


二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021. 

當晚點了一盤單點的「炸排骨」(NT$60/盤)、一碗小碗的「冬瓜肉燥麵」(NT$55/碗)、一盤「醉雞」(NT$100/盤)與一盤「小菜切盤」(豆干15 + 滷蛋10+ 豆皮30,合計NT$55/盤),總計NT$270。

二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.

上回品嚐的是冬瓜肉飯,這回換點「冬瓜肉燥麵」(NT$55/碗) ,一樣是台灣古早味,除了Q彈入口的寬拉麵,與舖上的冬瓜肉燥與青菜外,沒有在外加任何調味醬,因為光是冬瓜肉燥食材本身的香甜,就已經是最好的調味,入口香氣一整個飄散在口裡喉中,健康又美味,讓人意猶未盡!

二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.

其次品嚐的是店家招牌之一的「炸排骨」(NT$60/盤) ,跟其他家的排骨最大的不同,就是除了排骨本身外脆軟口感十分紮實外,去油去得很乾淨,入口十分清爽,份量也足!

二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.


二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021. 

最後是這盤「小菜切盤」(豆干15 + 滷蛋10+ 豆皮30,合計NT$55/盤),豆干豆皮都很軟嫩,滷蛋清香,滿滿一盤吃得很過癮!

二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021. 


二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021.二訪「老北投」北投捷運店( Fried pork &water melon noodle), Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Dec 11, 2021. 


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


這家2020、2021連兩年獲得到米其林必比登推介美食桂冠肯定,座落在清水巖祖師廟旁的小店「一甲子餐飲 - 祖師廟焢肉飯、刈包」,以傳承一甲子的台灣古早好味道,吸引了無數萬華在地人與國內外饕客前來排隊朝聖! 疫情趨緩之後,我選在11月6日周六清晨首訪這家位於台北市萬華區康定路79號的人氣老店,受到疫情影響百店蕭條,重災區的萬華店家生意更是元氣大傷,過往新聞報導中大排長龍已不復見,但排隊的死忠顧客還是有。 

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

一甲子餐飲 - 祖師廟焢肉飯、刈包」老店菜單提供焢肉飯、刈包、魯肉飯、肉粽、碗粿、豬血豬腸湯和魚丸油條湯,道道是誘人的美食,點餐的窗口也貼出了11月15日之後價格調漲的告示說明。

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

當天一共買了「焢肉飯」(NT$80)、「刈包」(NT$ 45)、「肉粽」(NT$45)、「麻豆碗粿」(NT$35)和「魚丸油條湯」(NT$30)合計 NT$ 235,就能吃到這麼多經過歲月淘洗,流傳一甲子的美食,真是滿心的喜悅。首先品嚐的是「魚丸油條湯」(NT$30)很有創意的組合,半脆半軟的油條搭配7顆圓滾滾的新鮮魚丸,CP值超高的,而且口感很好!

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

其次品嚐的是「麻豆碗粿」(NT$ 35),來自台南麻豆的傳統碗粿分量十足吃起來口感札實,跟北部的碗粿口感大不同,碗粿中藏有蛋黃,撒上醃蘿蔔切塊入,再淋上醬油膏,入口綿密唇齒生香。

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 

最後一道品嚐的就是店家招牌中的招牌「焢肉飯」(NT$ 80),客人可根據個人偏好任選瘦肉、肥肉與綜合,選擇了純瘦肉,平常幾乎不吃「焢肉飯」的我,完全被這碗用料豐盛,帶有魔幻滋味的「焢肉飯」所折服,從煮的香嫩的米飯,到一大塊完整飽滿熟而不爛好入口的三層瘦肉,再到小黃瓜、榨菜、豆乾與辣椒絲等配菜,每一口都能嚐到店家的用心。

The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021The Taiwan dishes store won 2 year of Bib Gourmand Michelin Restaurants in Taipei,「一甲子餐飲」60 year-old Taiwan dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 6, 2021 


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.
(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)
後來回家Google一下,原來這家「老北投」傳承家鄉味,共有「老北投傳承家鄉味」共有北投店(中央北路二段112號)、北投捷運店(光明街2巷5號)與福華店」(又稱芝山店,福華路134號)三家店,三家的生意都很好,因為店內菜單品項豐富,我連著兩個月前後去了兩次北投捷運店,將分成兩篇跟大家一一分享店內到到令人垂涎的店家用心烹煮的美食。 店家正門玻璃窗也貼上告示,預告11月16日過後,因應原物料成本,將有部分餐點會調漲價格。
「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021.「老北投」北投捷運店(Tomato egg noodle & Water melon meat rice, Taiwan local dishes, Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Nov 14, 2021. 

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。 


防疫期間哪裡都不能去,剛好在家清把之前沒寫完的美食文一一補完,這是今年農曆期間造訪桃園大溪老街,經過這家位在桃園市大溪區和平路112號的「蕭客家麻糬」, 紅豆、花生、芝麻和綜合口味任君挑選, 一盒6顆軟Q香甜,兩盒只要100元,兩個銅板價十分划算超值,店家很注意防疫,全部店員通通把口罩戴好戴滿,畢竟過年期間人潮洶湧,小心至上,攤位上收拾得十分乾淨,讓人吃得也安心。 

「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.

「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.

 「蕭客家麻糬」提供紅豆、花生、芝麻和綜合口味任君挑選, 一盒6顆軟Q香甜,當天我買了兩盒12顆只要100元,回家和家人一起共享。

「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.

花生口味個頭又大,外面灑滿花生粉,入口Q又軟, 吃個兩顆就有飽足感,下回有機會造訪桃園大溪老街,別忘了造訪這家美味平價的  「蕭客家麻糬」!

「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021.「桃園大溪蕭記客家麻糬」(Mochi, Taiwan traditional sweeten studio), Taoyuang city, North Taiwan, Feb 12, 2021. 



地       址:335桃園市大溪區和平路112號

營業時間:週一到週日10:00 ~ 18:00

訂餐電話:0926 -189-337




SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021

(本文同步發表於「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)





「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021 


「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021






「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021


「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021


「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021「初面-北投石牌店」(Fried Chicken with Shrimp & tomato soup noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, May 12, 2021


SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.

(本文同步發表於SJKen 的浮光掠影與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


從捷運石牌站1號出口出站後,一路順著石牌路二段往榮總方向前行,沿街兩側與巷弄內藏著許多美食店家,更別提裕民商圈,到了晚上的夜市更是美食集中區,今天要跟大家分享的是這家位於台北市北投區石牌路2段75巷1 號的在地老店「金樺城鵝肉擔(鵝肉蔡)」,創辦人蔡金樺剛開始以「鵝肉蔡」為店名,每日進口最新鮮的鵝肉,加上獨門的料理與調味手法,經過二十多年的用心經營,逐漸打響名號,生意蒸蒸日上,如今營業時間從原本的10:30 ~ 14:30與16:30 ~ 24:00 ,延長為11:00 ~ 00:30 ,再加上近年增加熱炒美食,一到晚上生意更是強強滾,好到在隔巷又多開了一家,才能容納來店的客人。

「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.


「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.


「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.


「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.


「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.


「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021. 


「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021.「 金樺城熱炒鵝肉擔」(Taiwanese Hot Fried dishes), Taipei, Taiwan,SJKen,May 5, 2021. 



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.

(本文同步發表於SJKen 的浮光掠影與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


這家位於台北市南港區興中路70號的「大南港粥殿」,從2021年4月9日開幕至今,一轉眼試賣就滿一個月囉,年輕店主人的煮粥好手藝,加上從早到晚努力不懈地經營,讓口碑慢慢傳開,生意蒸蒸日上,整家店的裝潢也愈來愈有模有樣上星期二訪發現門口柱子正前方多了圖文並茂的菜單,加上隨風飄盪的大紅燈籠高高掛,遠遠看就很醒目!每週營業六天,週一到週五07:00 ~ 14:00/16:30 ~ 21:00,週六11:00 ~ 14:00 /17:00 ~ 21:00 都提供服務,一次訂購滿NT$300,還提供外送。

「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.

店前擺放了用餐桌椅,上面放了裱貝好的大菜單,與小張點菜單方便客人勾選,菜單上也印了「大南港粥殿」住址、QR Code與預約電話(0972-467-684),一目瞭然。

「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021. 


點餐櫃台上櫥窗琳瑯滿目貼著各種訊息,除了原有的「五星QR Code」、「環保考量自備餐具折價5元」、「粥品加了胡椒與蔥花,不喜歡的客人麻煩請事先告知」、「主打粥品圖文照、裱貝菜單與可以帶走的單張DM」外,還新增了一週營業時間說明牌,以及好幾樽海賊王遊戲人偶,一整個很醒目趣味又吸睛!



「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.









SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen 


「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen 
「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen 
「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen 

「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen「賽門鄧普拉西門町總店」(Tempura & Cabbage Rolls restaurant), Taipei,Taiwan, Apr 29, 2021.SJKen  



SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021 




《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021

這回有機會早點趁人潮還沒湧進前,先行進入店內嚐鮮,店內陳設餐桌除了靠左窗邊有一排可欣賞戶外街景的靠窗座位外,其它都是四人桌的用餐桌椅為主,進門右邊是點餐櫃台,牆面有巨幅的菜單,店內的菜色簡單又平價,主打白切雞土雞肉與松阪豬肉,以此發展成四種定價從NT$100 ~ NT$200的便當,還提供各式小菜與湯品,中央走道最後方有湯,方便內用外帶便當的客人自取享用。



《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021


《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021


《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021


《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021


《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021


《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021《慶陳雞》(Taiwan chicken & Matsusaka pork with mustard vegetable), Taiwan dishes restaurant,Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 27,2021

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021. 



吃過台北許多不同風味的排骨酥麵,還是來自台中清水的排骨酥麵最好吃,而說到清水的排骨酥麵,最愛的還是這家位於西門町漢 口街二段17號,來自台中清水的老字號「西門町楊排骨酥麵」創始店,因為受歡迎,這幾年除了總店外,也可在八德路與錦州街開了光華店與錦州店,但吃來吃去還是西門店的總店做法最合我味。


搭乘台北捷運板南線,從西門站 6號出口出站後右轉,順著漢中街一路直走到漢中街與漢口街二段交叉口,右轉漢口街二段,1分鐘即抵達「西門町楊排骨酥麵」,店家周邊廣告招牌做的又多又大,很難忽視,4月下旬一如既往點了百吃不厭的經典招牌「排骨酥麵」(NT$85) 、加了顆滷蛋(NT$10),與 「小菜(素雞)」(NT$40) ,跟兩年相比,麵每碗漲了5元,小菜漲了10元,一共是NT$135,還是很平價美味,吃得好又飽足。

「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.


「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021. 


「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021.「西門町楊排骨酥麵」(Spare Ribs Noodle), Taipei, Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 23, 2021. 



地       址:108台北市萬華區漢口街二段17號
電       話:(02)2388-6488
營業時間:週一到週日11:00 ~23:00,每月公休4天(不定期)

FB粉絲頁 : 楊排骨酥麵

SJKen的浮光掠影 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021. 

 (本文同步發表於SJKen 的浮光掠影與「SJKen的美食與旅行手扎FB粉絲專頁」,美食體驗是版主體驗後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。) 


隨著南港車站四鐵共構成形後,從市民八道八段到南港路一段,從興華路到興中路,愈來愈多大小商家進駐,其中這家位於南港區興中路70號的「大南港粥殿甫於2021年4月9日開幕,正在試賣中,店主人是八年級生,年紀輕輕就憑著一手煮粥的好手藝,加上口味豐富多選,平價又美味的粥,一試賣就吸引愈來愈多的南港在地居民前來嚐鮮,目前每週營業六天,週一到週五07:00 ~ 14:00/16:30 ~ 21:00,週六11:00 ~ 14:00 /17:00 ~ 21:00 都提供服務,一次訂購滿NT$300,還提供外送。



「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.

當晚買了這碗「鯛魚豪華海鮮粥」(NT$120/碗) ,如果不要加胡椒粉與蔥鹽醬,也可先跟店主人說一聲,像我就不加胡椒粉,然後請老闆另外分裝他很推薦蔥鹽醬回家試吃,「鯛魚豪華海鮮粥」除了份量十足的白粥外,還有去殼鮮蝦、蛤蜊、鯛魚片,吃起來好像在尋寶,撈到甚麼就吃甚麼,充滿驚喜的美味,吃得開心又飽足。 

「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.





「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.





「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.「大南港粥殿」(professional porridge booth), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 24, 2021.



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「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021. 



上星期搭乘北捷運板南線,從市政府站3號出口出站左後轉直行,約步行三分鐘即抵達「新光三越台北信義新天地A11館」,到B2美食地下街覓食,無意間逛到這家甫於101318日,由三位懷抱夢想的年輕人共同創立的「去啃 Chicken 職人炸物」,是由高雄知名炸物店「炸去啃職人炸物」,專為百貨公司所創立的新品牌,目前在台南與台北新光三越信義新天地都有設櫃開賣。



「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021. 

當天我花了NT$80,買了一盒 「招牌白酒蒜香雞肉便當」帶回家嚐鮮,百貨公司包裝就跟一般便當店不同,除了便當盒與湯盒兩盒裝本身,還用外面印有「炸去啃」(Friedtogo)紙袋分裝鹽酥雞,再給一個新光三越百貨提袋,方便又環保!

「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.  


「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021. 


「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.


「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021.「炸去啃Chicken 職人炸物」(Fried chicken lunch box ) , Taipei,Taiwan, SJKen, Apr 6, 2021. 



去啃 Chicken 職人炸物

    : 110台北市松壽路11(新光三越台北信義新天地A11 /B2美食街)

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